Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 25th January 2023

    Thu 26 Jan 2023

    Dear Parents,
    This week has continued to be a busy week. It has been lovely seeing the children continuing with their topic work and the way this brings excitement into the children’s learning. 


    I was particularly impressed with the fantastic artwork that Damson were creating on their topic of pointillism.


    They could certainly give me art lessons!


    Every time I enter Maple class I have been bombarded (in the nicest sense) with tales of what is going on and what they are learning.  If we could bottle this enthusiasm, we wouldn’t need to ever pay for energy!

    It was wonderful to see the children enjoying their dance sessions last Thursday. They certainly didn’t let me down with both their enthusiasm and their moves!


    Have a great weekend when it finally arrives and I look forward to celebrating with you on Friday when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.

    Maple Class: 
    This week we have been learning all about 3D shapes in maths and have been looking around our classroom environment to identify them. In literacy, we have started our ‘Traditional Tales’ unit and have compared different versions of the story. We have also been retelling the story with fantastic expression! 


    Cedar Class
    This week the children have been working extremely hard with their understanding of Anglo-Saxon beliefs. We have followed this with some art and D&T work looking at making Anglo-Saxon Pendants. In addition, our maths learning this week has been focused on shape, both 2D and 3D.

    Damson Class:
    In Damson Class this week, we have been using our place value knowledge to calculate mentally in Maths. Whilst in Literacy, we have been looking at our author’s use of vocabulary and developing our own to become more precise. In addition to this, we have enjoyed painting mountains in a ‘pointillism’ style. 

    Oak Class:
    In Oak Class this week we have been calculating using long multiplication and applying our skills to word questions. In our English work we have written notes while watching a detective programme and we wrote a film review for a detective newsletter. We have enjoyed the start of our new guided reading class text – Fastest Boy in the World.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 18th January 2023

    Wed 18 Jan 2023

    Dear Parents,
    It has been another busy week with lots going on.


    This half term our value that we are thinking about within collective worship is ‘Humility’.  We have been talking to the children about what this means.  We have reflected that showing great humility means we recognise when we need help and are honest with ourselves on our strengths and weaknesses.


    This is important as in learning we are always thinking about what we can’t do ‘yet’ and how our lessons and learning help us on the journey to being able to achieve anything!


    Please continue to take great care when parking and manoeuvring around the school.  I was disappointed to hear about a car reversing so close to where our children were walking.  Please allow extra time and always consider what the implications could be of your actions.


    I am looking forward to enjoying our dance workshops tomorrow where I know the children will once again make me proud.


    I look forward to celebrating with you on Friday when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.

    Maple Class: 
    This week we are finding out all about Emperor Penguins in literacy and will be creating our own non-fiction poster all about them. In maths, we are counting on to add and are exploring the properties of materials in science. We are also really looking forward to all of the Chinese New Year activities planned for Thursday! 


    Cedar Class
    This week in Cedar class we are really looking forward to Chinese New Year and all of the exciting activities we are planning. In addition, we have spent this week looking at how the Anglo-Saxon people lived and their houses, being really careful to identify features of them... We can’t wait to make them out of Modroc very soon.


    Damson Class:
    This week in Damson Class, we have been looking at measures in Maths (weights and angles). Whilst in Literacy, we are improving our writing through use of adverbs and self-editing. We are also very excited about our forthcoming Chinese New Year celebration activities.

    Oak Class:
    This week we have been calculating with decimals, converting fractions to decimals and multiplying both fraction and decimal numbers. We have sketched 3D picture of Ancient Maya temples in art. In English we have used given clues in a detective story to try to sequence and use deduction skills to work out what occurred and the motive for the crime. We are all looking forward to the Chinese New Year /Luna celebration day on Thursday.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 11th January 2023

    Wed 11 Jan 2023

    Dear Parents,
    Welcome back to a very busy term!


    I hope you all managed to have a restful Christmas and New Year and had an opportunity to spend time with your loved ones.


    I have been so impressed with how the children have returned to school and have been keen and enthusiastic in their new topics and their learning.


    Last night I had the pleasure of joining year 5 and 6 children as they attended Young Voices in Birmingham.


    The amazing show was matched by how proud I was of their amazing behaviour.


    The children were a real credit to the school and not only sang amazingly, but behaved in that same way.


    It was a truly memorable evening which was only made possible by our staff who volunteered to attend the show with the children.


    I look forward to seeing you again on Friday when we will start our celebration assemblies for 2023!

    Maple Class: 
    In Maple Class we have begun our new topic – Polar Explorers! We are really enjoying finding out all about the Arctic and the animals that live there and will also be exploring the Antarctic too. In maths, we are learning all about our number bonds to 10 and have been using different counting equipment to find the pairs of numbers that add together to make 10. 


    Cedar Class
    This week we have welcomed Miss Wilcox into our class. She will be teaching Cedar alongside Mr Nailor until the end of March. This week we have continued to look at our topic Anglo-Saxon's, focusing more so this week on buildings and settlements. 

    Damson Class:
    In Damson Class we have started a new topic of European Rivers and Mountains. This week we have enjoyed researching Europe and the countries within it. In maths, we are learning different strategies for addition and thinking about place value too. Whilst in Literacy, we are learning about Recounts.


    Oak Class:
    This week we have been comparing short stories and we have retold a fairy story in less than 60 words – which was a challenge. In maths we have had a whistle stop tour through place value, subtraction and decimal numbers. Most of the class have also taken part in Young Voices which they all enjoyed even though it was very loud!
