Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 11th January 2023

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to a very busy term!


I hope you all managed to have a restful Christmas and New Year and had an opportunity to spend time with your loved ones.


I have been so impressed with how the children have returned to school and have been keen and enthusiastic in their new topics and their learning.


Last night I had the pleasure of joining year 5 and 6 children as they attended Young Voices in Birmingham.


The amazing show was matched by how proud I was of their amazing behaviour.


The children were a real credit to the school and not only sang amazingly, but behaved in that same way.


It was a truly memorable evening which was only made possible by our staff who volunteered to attend the show with the children.


I look forward to seeing you again on Friday when we will start our celebration assemblies for 2023!

Maple Class: 
In Maple Class we have begun our new topic – Polar Explorers! We are really enjoying finding out all about the Arctic and the animals that live there and will also be exploring the Antarctic too. In maths, we are learning all about our number bonds to 10 and have been using different counting equipment to find the pairs of numbers that add together to make 10. 


Cedar Class
This week we have welcomed Miss Wilcox into our class. She will be teaching Cedar alongside Mr Nailor until the end of March. This week we have continued to look at our topic Anglo-Saxon's, focusing more so this week on buildings and settlements. 

Damson Class:
In Damson Class we have started a new topic of European Rivers and Mountains. This week we have enjoyed researching Europe and the countries within it. In maths, we are learning different strategies for addition and thinking about place value too. Whilst in Literacy, we are learning about Recounts.


Oak Class:
This week we have been comparing short stories and we have retold a fairy story in less than 60 words – which was a challenge. In maths we have had a whistle stop tour through place value, subtraction and decimal numbers. Most of the class have also taken part in Young Voices which they all enjoyed even though it was very loud!
