Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 16th December 2020

    Wed 16 Dec 2020

    This week has been a really busy week in school with Christmas lunch, the Virtual Panto and the parties to come tomorrow!


    It is such a special time within school where we get to see the children enjoying the marvel of Christmas and their building excitement. The children thoroughly enjoyed the Pantomime and it was lovely to see their faces as they tried to tell me about all the different amazing elements. Many thanks to the PTFA for paying for ‘Christmas’ this year with the pantomime, party food and the ice creams all kindly donated.


    Many thanks for your generosity of the gifts and cards that have been already given to all the staff in school. It is greatly appreciated.

    Could I remind you about sensible parking and not manoeuvring your cars close to the school. It is so easy for an accident to happen and with failing light at the end of the day it is hard to see the children.  I never want to be in the position where I am emailing about a tragic accident.


    On a more festive note the School Christmas performance link will be emailed on Friday for you to enjoy over the Christmas break.


    To conclude it has been a difficult year for everybody and I hope you have a time as a family to relax and enjoy the time together.  I’m sure 
    we will all be raising our glasses in the hope of a better 2021.

    Maple Class: 
    We are on the countdown to Christmas now and are busy with lots of Christmas crafts! We are focussing on the story of the first Christmas in Literacy and have been retelling it. We have also been thinking about how each person in the story felt and have been sharing what we are thankful for this Christmas. Have a fantastic Christmas Maple Class!  

    Cedar Class: 
    The children have enjoyed embracing Christmas and all things Christmassy. The Panto was a smash hit in Cedar class and our Christmas lunch was really enjoyable. We look forward to our Christmas parties and watching our own Christmas performances later in the week!

    Damson Class: 
    We have been busy finding amazing vocabulary 
    to improve our smiles and metaphors for our 
    winter poems. Also, we have enjoyed making Christmas cards and completing Christmas mystery maths challenges.

    Oak Class: 
    We have had a busy week making Christmas cards, understanding the importance of war time songs and creating some of our own, calculating fractions with multiplication and division as well as percentages. Everyone is looking forward to the Christmas holidays and a well-deserved break.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 10th December 2020

    Thu 10 Dec 2020

    It has been a really busy week with the preparation for the productions in readiness for the shows. I have been ‘blown away’ by the amazing performances that we have seen for the film.  We are still busy editing them all together and when complete the children will get a chance to watch in school with their friends next week.  The link will be sent home for you all to enjoy; you are in for a real treat!


    Next week is incredibly busy with Christmas lunch, parties and a Virtual Panto.  We would love the children to wear their Christmas jumpers on Wednesday for their Christmas lunch and Friday for the last day of term.  Party day is Thursday 17th December when the children can wear their party clothes.


    Could I please thank you for continuing to socially distance at school drop off/collections and adhering to the staggered start/finish times.  This makes such a difference and we are mindful that we would hate any families to have to self-isolate over Christmas, due to a bubble shutting after the 10th December.


    As always, I look forward to celebrating with you all on Friday with our celebration assembly when we will once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.

    Maple Class: 
    This week we have been busy getting for the Christmas production and have all being doing a super job! We can’t wait for you to see it! We 
    have also been making our own non-fiction booklets about owls to finish off our non-fiction topic on nocturnal animals.

    Cedar Class: 
    This week I would like to say a big well done to the children for doing so well in the filming of the Christmas play. They worked really hard to make this as special as they could under the circumstances. Well done Cedar Class!

    Damson Class: 
    This week we have been busy rehearsing and filming our parts for the school production. The costumes are amazing (thank you parents). Also, we have been building our websites, organising our text and images and thinking carefully about our layout.

    Oak Class: 
    This week we have been busy calculating fractions and mixed numbers in numeracy, rehearsing for our Christmas play/ film as well as making our Christmas cards and calendars. We also helped plant spring time bulbs around the protected oak tree at the top of Red Lane.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 2nd December 2020

    Wed 02 Dec 2020

    Another busy week as our preparation for everything Christmas ‘hots up’. Despite us not being able to invite you to the production in school the stage is still up, rehearsal timetable is set and the singing is excitement is building.


    Could I please remind you to park sensibly and allow plenty of time at both drop off and collection times? We are aware of the difficulties of parking issues and frustrations when there are traffic issues in and around school. We would stress that the children are our priority and their safety is paramount. Accidents can and do happen so please always take every precaution. Thank you for your patience on these matters and your continued support.


    Thank you for all of your hard work/support with our Teams homework trial. It has been great to implement this and to see any hiccups and to iron these out. I would also like to thank the staff for embracing these changes and working tirelessly behind the scenes to keep a Christmas feel in a Covid safe way :-)


    I hope you have a good rest of the week and that you enjoy your weekend when it finally gets here. See you on Friday for our virtual celebration assembly.


    Maple Class:

    This week we have been doing lots of adding in maths and have been exploring number bonds. We are continuing to research information about nocturnal animals and have learnt some really interesting facts!


    Cedar Class:

    The children have really enjoyed this week painting Great fire of London scenarios using silhouette. In addition, our work on the books is continuing to engage the children's interest in relation to letter writing.


    Damson Class:

    This week we have begun to prepare some text about the Stone Age for our websites. Also, we have been busy learning our lines for the school production as well as investigating narrative story techniques to improve our writing.


    Oak Class:

    Well it’s December so now we can officially start to celebrate with some usual traditions. Rehearsals are in full swing so to match up we are studying play script features in literacy. In maths addition and subtraction of fractions and finding common denominators has been our focus. We are planning for our Design Technology day in topic work focussing on shelters used in World War II. A busy week all round.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 25th November 2020

    Wed 02 Dec 2020

    It has been another super busy week with so much happening in school.


    It is exciting to see the classes begin their preparation for our Christmas play. Dance rehearsals, small group singing and acting have all been happening. It is lovely to feel the Christmas spirit beginning to enter school and see the children’s excitement build.


    I have also had the pleasure of seeing Cedar class’s learning this week. They got to show me their learning within their English session. It was so nice to see how their writing is developing with their use of adjectives and conjunctions. I can imagine these skills will be very useful with their Christmas lists!


    I look forward to celebrating with you on Friday in our virtual celebration assembly. Keep safe and have a good weekend, when it finally arrives.


    Maple Class:

    This week we have started to explore non-fiction texts in Literacy and over the next few weeks will be finding out some interesting facts about nocturnal animals. In Science we have been exploring the properties of different materials.


    Cedar Class:

    The children have really enjoyed starting our new book 'Stuck' by Oliver Jeffers. It has been an interesting look into the genre of comedy and showing the children that they can enjoy and laugh at silly books.


    Damson Class:

    We have been busy evaluating our DT and Art project as well as identifying the features of really good story writing. Also, in maths this week we have been using measures (grams and kilograms, metres and centimetres) and converting between them as well as measuring angles using a protractor.


    Oak Class:

    This week we have been baking as part of our literacy- instruction texts, we followed a World War II ration recipe and enjoyed the results. We are starting our acting rehearsals this week for the Christmas production too


