Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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Green Leek Federation

The Green Leek Federation

All Saints’ Academy and Burton Green Academy working together in partnership.
Since 1st September 2014 All Saints’ and Brton Green Primary Schools have been working together as a federation of schools. 

Effective learning for each child and efficient management including the wise use of resources, underpin the aims of our partnership. Working together enables us to widen opportunities for both children and adults in terms of curriculum experiences within the school day, experiences outside the school day, supporting children who need to learn more gradually and extending our most able learners. Sharing staff expertise and professional development opportunities enables us to continue to develop a highly skilled staff across both sites.

Mr Andrew Morris as the Head of the Federation works with the federation governing body to determine the strategic direction of the schools, to ensure that by working together we continue to build on the existing good practice that is part of the life of both schools. He divides his time equally across both sites in order to support both schools most effectively and ensuring that he appreciates the individuality, talents and needs of each child, in each of the two schools.


The Green Leek Federation Aims Statement

Within a Christian framework at our ‘ Green Leek Federation Schools’ we aim to challenge and support all pupils to enable them to develop their talents and achieve their potential. All individuals are valued irrespective of ability, race, gender, culture or faith.

At our ‘Green Leek Federation Schools’ we aim to provide excellent teaching and stimulating learning experiences across a broad and balanced curriculum, within a happy, caring, inclusive and safe environment.

We aim to enable each child to develop the personal and social skills necessary for them to become independent, responsible, active participants in their community through partnerships with home, our parish churches, local neighbourhoods and the wider community.


Our Green Leek Federation Values

At All Saints’ and Burton Green we share three values regularly and explicitly within our school and wider community. These values underpin everything we strive to achieve.

  • Value yourself as a unique, special, talented person by always trying to do the best in whatever you do;
  • Value each other by treating everyone with care and respect through listening to people’s opinions, talking politely and treating everybody in the way we hope they will treat us;
  • Value our school by caring for our school building and outdoor environment, and the resources we share.