Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 18th January 2023

Dear Parents,
It has been another busy week with lots going on.


This half term our value that we are thinking about within collective worship is ‘Humility’.  We have been talking to the children about what this means.  We have reflected that showing great humility means we recognise when we need help and are honest with ourselves on our strengths and weaknesses.


This is important as in learning we are always thinking about what we can’t do ‘yet’ and how our lessons and learning help us on the journey to being able to achieve anything!


Please continue to take great care when parking and manoeuvring around the school.  I was disappointed to hear about a car reversing so close to where our children were walking.  Please allow extra time and always consider what the implications could be of your actions.


I am looking forward to enjoying our dance workshops tomorrow where I know the children will once again make me proud.


I look forward to celebrating with you on Friday when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.

Maple Class: 
This week we are finding out all about Emperor Penguins in literacy and will be creating our own non-fiction poster all about them. In maths, we are counting on to add and are exploring the properties of materials in science. We are also really looking forward to all of the Chinese New Year activities planned for Thursday! 


Cedar Class
This week in Cedar class we are really looking forward to Chinese New Year and all of the exciting activities we are planning. In addition, we have spent this week looking at how the Anglo-Saxon people lived and their houses, being really careful to identify features of them... We can’t wait to make them out of Modroc very soon.


Damson Class:
This week in Damson Class, we have been looking at measures in Maths (weights and angles). Whilst in Literacy, we are improving our writing through use of adverbs and self-editing. We are also very excited about our forthcoming Chinese New Year celebration activities.

Oak Class:
This week we have been calculating with decimals, converting fractions to decimals and multiplying both fraction and decimal numbers. We have sketched 3D picture of Ancient Maya temples in art. In English we have used given clues in a detective story to try to sequence and use deduction skills to work out what occurred and the motive for the crime. We are all looking forward to the Chinese New Year /Luna celebration day on Thursday.
