Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 31st January 2024

    Wed 31 Jan 2024

    Dear Parents,
    We have had a busy start/end of last week with some fantastic learning within Cedar class with the children busily preparing wonderful ideas and writing for letters to illustrators!

    As I looked in Damson class this week, I saw them wrestling with some challenging mathematics (and winning!) and creating some wonderful work on their topic for this term.

    We are looking forward to sharing this wonderful work at our parent consultations next week.

    Within our collective worships we have been thinking about courage.  This week we have looked at the selfish crocodile and how the mouse needed to be brave to help him.  We linked to the story from the bible about how Jesus befriended the tax collector.

    I look forward to seeing you in assembly this week when we will once again be celebrating the children’s amazing achievements and ‘Reaching for the Stars’. 

    Have a great weekend when it finally comes. 

    Maple Class: 
    We have been learning all about 3D shapes in maths. We have named them and explored the faces on the shapes (cube/cuboid/cone/pyramid/cylinder/sphere). We have also looked for 3D shapes in our classroom and outdoor area (sphere – ball, marble/ cylinder – glue stick) – I wonder if you can spot any at home? We are finished our non-fiction unit by creating some fantastic dinosaur posters in English. 

    Cedar Class:
    This week Cedar have been continuing with their Topic learning on volcanoes, creating some brilliant 3D volcano sculptures. In Maths, the children really enjoyed coming up with their own questions and collecting data from their classmates which they then turned into colourful bar charts. In RE we've begun looking at Easter, starting with lent - there have been lots of interesting ideas on what they may give up for lent this year!

    Damson Class:
    This week Damson Class have been designing a rainforest diorama. This will be embedding all the knowledge we have developed about the layers of the rainforest as well as the animals that live in each section. In addition, children have been preparing to write a ‘Short’ story which could hopefully go in our book.

    Oak Class:
    In Oak Class we have been comparing different detective characteristics and styles as well as creating a detective character of our own. In maths we have been calculating angles of shapes and learning how to draw and measure a circle with compass. In PSHE we have considered the merits of being a ‘Bucket Filler’ in life rather than being a ‘Bucket Dipper’ - ask your children about this to see what you are!

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 24th January 2024

    Wed 24 Jan 2024

    Dear Parents,
    This week has continued to be a busy week. It has been lovely seeing the children continuing with their topic work and the way this brings excitement into the children’s learning.

    As I was going around the school this week my eyes were taken by the fantastic temples that were drawn by Oak class a couple of weeks ago.  There was some excellent perspective and fantastic 3d effects.  Definitely some budding artists who could certainly give me art lessons!

    Every time I enter Maple class I have been bombarded (in the nicest sense) with tales of what is going on and what they are learning. If we could bottle this enthusiasm, we wouldn’t need to ever pay for energy!


    It is lovely to see that the children have continued to work so hard in Doodle and we have so many certificates to give out.  A huge well done!


    Have a great weekend when it finally arrives and I look forward to celebrating with you on Friday when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.

    Maple Class: 
    This week, we are using the facts we have learnt about a triceratops to make a ‘fact file’ poster. We are going to use these posters to help others learn all about them too! Trixie, our triceratops teddy, is looking forward to reading the posters at the end of the week. In maths, we are exploring ‘counting on’ to add and we are starting our ‘Animals’ unit in science. 

    Cedar Class:
    We’ve had a fabulous week exploring volcanoes and making some amazing art pieces in different media. Our PSHE learning has begun this term and we are all fascinated by our digital footprint. Ask your parents if they know what this means! In maths learning to read the analogue and digital time has been a little tricky but we’re determined to do our very best! Our letters to our favourite authors are being edited ready to send off next week. 

    Damson Class:
    This week the children have been exploring the different levels of the rainforest and exploring the features of each layer. Moreover, we have been exploring the animals in each layer and how they are well suited to their habitat. Our book SHORT by Kevin Crossly-Holland has been really enjoyable to read.

    Oak Class:
    This week we have been working using a story written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – The Speckled Band which is solved by the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. We are currently comparing famous detective styles. In maths we have been multiplying both grid and long multiplication methods. In RE work we have developed out understanding of the lessons given to Christians during ‘The Sermon on the Mount’.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 17th January 2024

    Wed 17 Jan 2024

    Dear Parents,
    It has been another busy week at school and the cold weather has certainly started!

    You will soon receive your invite to parent consultations that will be coming out through the office very shortly.  This is always a lovely opportunity to come into school and talk to your child’s teacher’s about their progress.  We have unfortunately had to move the appointment days from the usual Monday and Tuesday, to Tuesday and Wednesday (6th and 7th February).

    On another note I'm delighted to announce a warm welcome to Mrs. East, who has taken on the role of Sendco for our school. We are confident that her expertise and dedication will greatly contribute to the support and well-being of our students.

    I would also like to express immense gratitude to Miss V for her outstanding work in the area of Special Educational Needs. Her commitment has been exemplary and has gone above and beyond for many years. Rest assured, Miss V will continue to be an integral part of our school community, maintaining her role as Deputy and class teacher and overseeing the school in my absence.

    I look forward to seeing some of you on Friday morning when we will once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.


    I hope you have a fantastic rest of the week and an enjoyable weekend when it finally arrives.

    Maple Class: 
    We have had an exciting start back to school as a mysterious egg had arrived in Maple class over the holidays! We all predicted what we thought was inside and, on Tuesday, a dinosaur hatched!! We are learning all about a triceratops to help us look after it and we will be naming our new class dinosaur this week. In maths, we have been exploring bonds to 10 and year 1 have been solving missing number problems. 

    Cedar Class:
    We’ve all been carrying on with our Buddhist topic and learning how hard it is for a Buddhist Monk to give up his worldly possessions. In year 3 we are continuing with our light topic and learning about which materials reflect light 
    the best.

    Damson Class:
    The children have really settled into school life excellently. We have begun our new rainforest topic, learning about where in the world they are and what the features of a rainforest are. In addition, Children have been brilliant and mature in understanding the importance of our NSPCC workshops. 

    Oak Class:
    A great first week back – everyone is focussed and ready to learn. In maths we revised place value using up to 7 digits and we are now working with decimal numbers, money and long multiplication. In English we have been comparing short stories and identifying genres, we have also written story endings and retold traditional tales in 50 words. We also had a visit and were involved in workshops with the NSPCC.
