Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 5th May 2021

    Wed 05 May 2021

    I hope you all enjoyed your bank holiday weekend and made the most of the weather on Saturday and Sunday before the cold and wet arrived on Monday!


    The children have got back into working very quickly this week and it feels like they are trying to jam 5 days work into 4! It is a real privilege to see the children’s thoughtfulness and caring nature within the school.


    This was very evident within our assemblies this half term where we are thinking about friendships and how we care for everybody within our school.  The children show such thought on this topic and are constantly thinking about how they can be a better friend.


    I would like to take this opportunity to remind people about safer parking and manoeuvring by the school.  I am aware that road closures and issues around parking continue to be an issue, but it is vital we ensure the safety of all of the children.  One quick wrong decision could be devastating, so please always have the children’s safety at the heart of every decision you make.


    I look forward to seeing you on Friday when we will once again celebrate our ‘Truly Brilliant’ children.

    Maple Class: 
    This week we have been enjoying the traditional tale: The Gingerbread Man! We have been retelling it, acting it out and have even designed our own gingerbread characters. We are also exploring how plants grow and will be planting a bean seed. We will be planting it in a different way so we can see what happens to the seed as it starts to grow!

    Cedar Class: 
    This week we have enjoyed practicing our techniques of shading and sketching. The children decided to do some sketches of Darwin's tortoises. In addition, we looked at their adaptations and how they have changed over time.

    Damson Class: 
    This week in Damson Class we have been learning about the rights that online creators have. We discussed copyright and the need to give credit to the creator or ask permission to use images and photos found online. The topic led to lots of interesting discussion. In maths this week, our focus is on drawing shapes using coordinates and in literacy, we are continuing our theme of stories from the past and reading 'The Pearl Diver' by Julia Johnson.

    Oak Class: 
    We are writing some of our parents memories by using a pensieve device (as in Harry Potter) to write them in a flashback style. In numeracy we are calculating percentages, ratio and algebra.
    We are exploring secondary school concerns in our PHSE lessons and planning how to deal with situations we may encounter.
    Truly Brilliant - Joban 
