Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 30th June 2021

    Wed 30 Jun 2021

    Dear Parents,
    It has been another busy week with lots of things happening.  I have seen some of the fantastic persuasive writing from Cedar class this week and I have been ‘blown away’ by the quality of their work, well done Cedar.  Oak class are busy with their end of term preparations and I am intrigued by the twists and turns of the plot they have written for their film.  Can’t wait to see what happens!  They are now waiting to see how the orders come in for their enterprise project.  If you haven’t got your order in yet, get them in as soon as you can!


    Thank you for your patience with following the Covid guidance and keeping your children off when they are unwell.  We recognise that this can be very frustrating, but at the moment we are following public health’s guidance which states this what we need to do.


    I hope you have a great rest of the week and I look forward to celebrating with you during our virtual celebration assembly at the end of the week.

    Maple Class: 
    This week in Maple Class we have started our new book: Sea Tiger, and will be going on adventures under the sea! We are also exploring number bonds in maths and will be building shelters in Science. 

    Cedar Class: 
    This week in Cedar class we have been researching African patterns, in the hope of making ‘rain-makers’. The children have created some lovely designs which they hope to apply to their instrument. In addition, we have been revising the formal calculation methods for Year 3 in maths and developing our place value knowledge in year 2.

    Damson Class: 
    This week in Damson Class we are working on multiplication and division strategies in Maths and we have a new topic, ‘Poetry by Heart’, in Literacy. We have all really enjoyed watching the author Michael Rosen perform his poetry and will no doubt, use his devices when reciting our own!

    Oak Class: 
    We have had a very busy week preparing our enterprise project and writing our end of year production. Everyone is getting more excited about their planned secondary school moves. We have been learning about the basics of finances in numeracy/PHSE – debt, credit, mortgages, loans and the subject of Needs Vs Wants allowed us to have very interesting discussions.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 23rd June 2021

    Wed 30 Jun 2021

    It has been another busy week at school with the children enjoying their learning.  It has been exciting hearing about year 6 preparing for their enterprise project and how they are having to be even more creative this year.


    You will have seen an updated letter with changes that we have had to make due to Covid restrictions.  We are very grateful for all of the support you have offered the us during these tricky times and know it can be frustrating at times when we have needed to send children home or ask you to get them tested.  We are given clear guidance by Warwickshire Public Health and are obliged to follow this guidance, in order to keep everybody safe.


    I look forward to our virtual celebration of the children’s achievements on Friday.

    Maple Class: 
    This week we are being super authors and have been writing our own pirate adventure story! In maths, we have been exploring telling the time and have focussed on o’clock and half past times. Please help us explore this more at home too!


    Cedar Class: 
    This week we have enjoyed designing our African landscapes in art. We have learnt about silhouettes and how effective this is in artwork. We have discussed and evaluated various examples of African artwork which the children have really enjoyed.


    Damson Class: 
    This week in Damson Class we have been multiplying in Maths and planning our arguments for persuasive writing in Literacy. We also got to watch an online performance by Warwickshire County Council on the subject of Air Quality. It was a great show and as always, the children had lots of great ideas on how we could cut down air pollution in preparation for ‘Cleaner Air Day’ on 21st June.

    Oak Class: 
    This week we have been making plans to launch our enterprise initiative – we will be allowing pre orders of our initiatives in the next few days more information will follow later this week. We have also begun to work on our end of year performance which will be filmed - it is a very busy time in year 6.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 16th June 2021

    Wed 16 Jun 2021

    We have had a busy week with lots happening. We have been working on our assessments this week which has meant lots of hard work.  I have been really impressed with the children and how hard they have worked and the great learning behaviours they have demonstrated.


    As you may know the official SATS for KS1 and KS2 were cancelled for this year, but we decided to give Year 6 a realistic experience, to show us what they know.  I would like to thank Mrs T and Mrs Waite for once again stepping up to the plate and providing bacon baps for the children in year 6.  It is a lot of extra work, but I think the children really appreciate the extra effort that goes into this.


    The government continue to give us updates on the lifting of Lockdown and are continuing to promote a cautious approach.


    When we get the official updates from the DFE and our Trust and when we know the implications of these changes we will keep you informed.

    Looking forward to celebrating your children’s achievements at the end of the week.


    Maple Class: 
    This week we are going to be helping Captain Brownbeard’s crew to try and find our treasure!! We are working on writing some super character and setting descriptions and are thinking about what adjectives we could use. In maths we are completing some assessments and are working very hard.


    Cedar Class: 
    The children have enjoyed writing persuasively this week with a poster trying to encourage others to plant trees and the benefit this would have. Equally, we have all enjoyed researching different climates in Africa, whilst also looking forward to beginning our Lego WeDo topic in computing later this week.

    Damson Class: 
    In Damson Class this week, we have been thinking about the pros and cons of zoos, in order to write a piece of persuasive writing for literacy. In maths we have been working on fractions and mental strategies for easier calculations. We have also had lots of sensible discussions on the subject of relationships in RSE.

    Oak Class: 
    Oak class have been completing end of year assessments ahead of their move to secondary school. They have been coping very well and are undertaking the tests in a mature way. We have also been working on transition subjects to prepare for their next school journey.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 9th June 2021

    Wed 16 Jun 2021

    Welcome back after what I hope was a relaxing half term break. We now begin a very busy half term with lots going on for children and adults. There is so much planned I’m not sure how we are going to fit it in! We are still constantly reviewing the restrictions imposed on us due to Covid and this will continue to be reviewed to try and give us as ‘normal’ as possible end to this term.


    We are looking forward to welcoming our new children into school starting from next week.  This year we have a mix of virtual introductions, in person visits after school (in small groups) and then small groups visiting within the classroom setting (this will continue to be reviewed to ensure it is aligned with current risk assessments).


    It has been an exciting return to this half term with the children enjoying some extra social and relationship education this week.  I was lucky enough to watch Oak class enjoying their session talking about family webs and how they are all interconnected.  I particularly liked seeing them in a rather stringy situation!


    I look forward to celebrating with you again at our virtual celebration assembly on Friday!

    Maple Class: 
    We have started our new topic – Pirates! On Tuesday we had a break in and all of our treasure was stolen! We have been fantastic detectives to work out who it was so just ask us and we will reveal the culprit. We have also been finding out our own pirate names and have designed what we would look like as a pirate.

    Cedar Class: 
    The children have been really respectful this week throughout their RSE learning. They have been contributing really purposefully to each and every discussion with really useful opinions. We have all learnt a lot about one another as well as what we each do and don't like, especially when it comes to playing kindly at breaktime.

    Damson Class: 
    This week in Damson Class we have been hard at work, trying to solve written maths problems. This has kept the children (and staff) on their toes! In literacy we have been writing in the style of an author and we have enjoyed painting Egyptian artefacts in Topic too.

    Oak Class: 
    We are busy revising for our assessments in class. We have been covering aspects of numeracy and SPAG particularly in preparation for our assessments ahead of our moves to secondary school.

    We have enjoyed this week’s relationship, friendships and well-being sessions which have helped us to recognise many positive aspects of or personalities and lives.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 26th May 2021

    Wed 16 Jun 2021

    Today has been a lovely week with the weather slowly improving and the children enjoying their learning.  I once again had the pleasure of talking to the children about their learning this week and it was lovely to hear how all of the children value their topic work, the different types of writing (they were proud of their ‘really long’ pieces!) and they explained how they enjoy showing their mathematical learning through their mastery work.  Maple class have had an exciting day planting their plants and can’t wait to see them grow!


    I can’t believe that we have almost got to the end of half term!  Enjoy the half term break and remember no school on Friday!

    Maple Class: 
    This week we are learning all about mini-beasts using non-fiction texts and are creating some super pieces of butterfly artwork! We are revisiting addition strategies and number bonds in maths and are going to be busy planting in our allotment during Wellie Wednesday!

    Cedar Class: 
    This week we have been recording our videos with our Galapagos island puppet theatres. We have written a script which has helped the children stay focused. The children have all worked extremely hard this term and are in much need of a well-deserved break. Happy half term!

    Damson Class: 
    This week in Damson Class we have been hard at work, trying to solve written maths problems. This has kept the children (and staff) on their toes! In literacy we have been writing in the style of an author and we have enjoyed painting Egyptian artefacts in Topic too.

    Oak Class: 
    We have been continuing with our class text – Kensuke’s Kingdom – empathising with the characters situations. In numeracy we have been calculating fractions of amounts and revising long division. We have been discussing aspects of secondary school transition to help us problem solve situations which may arise.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 19th May 2021

    Wed 16 Jun 2021

    It has been another busy week in school with lots of exciting learning happening.  I have had a chance to see some of the learning that has been taking place in Maple class about different wild animals.  I can’t believe how much they can write already!


    In Damson class, I have seen them stretching their brains with some complex problem solving and doing some very impressive artwork.


    It is hard to believe that we are fast approaching the end of this half term.  We are still reviewing the activities we will be able to enjoy as the roadmap for coming out of lockdown is not as clear as we once thought.  As a school we are continuing with our bubbles to minimise risk and cross contamination and are keeping our routines of hand washing.


    Have a wonderful weekend when it arrives and I look forward to celebrating in our virtual assembly on Friday.

    Maple Class: 
    This week we are busy creating our own African Animal Alphabet book! We have included lots of amazing facts. We are learning to halve shapes and amounts in maths and have created our own junk model flowers in Science to learn about the different parts of a plant.

    Cedar Class: 
    This week we have been making our shoebox puppet theatres. We have planned our backdrop, ensuring we have a script to suit Darwin’s Journey and time in the Galapagos islands. We aim to record videos of the theatre show for the reception children to teach them all about the wonderful animals on the Galapagos islands.


    Damson Class: 
    This week in Damson Class the children have been working on addition and subtraction of 4 and 5 digit numbers in Maths and writing stories from a different character's perspective in Literacy. They have also been learning all about The Rosetta Stone and hieroglyphics in their topic of the Egyptians.

    Oak Class: 
    This week we have written newspaper reports and diary entries based on our class text ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. We have been working on finding missing values and algebra in numeracy and in RE we have been considering which 5 things we would change in the world if we were in charge for a day!

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 12th May 2021

    Wed 16 Jun 2021

    It has been a really busy week with the weather feeling rather turbulent!  Despite this I have enjoyed seeing the children outside with their learning and play in between the showers.


    As we move through this half term, I would like to remind you of the importance of regularly reading with your child and also taking the time to discuss their reading books.  Skills such as prediction, contextual understanding and inferring plot development are so important and a fun conversation to have with your child.


    I’m sure you will all be looking forward to the further relaxation of restrictions from next Monday.  At school we will be continuing our bubbles until we receive additional guidance from the DFE. 

    I look forward to celebrating with you at the end of the week when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.


    Have a wonderful weekend, when it finally arrives.

    Maple Class: 
    This week we have started our Non-fiction unit in Literacy and have been enjoying reading ‘African Animal Alphabet’. This week we will be researching facts about different animals. We are also exploring measuring weight and capacity in Maths.

    Cedar Class: 
    This week the children have really enjoyed planning to create their Galapagos island puppet theatre, ready to record a video for the smaller children about the recent history of the island. We will also detail the importance of these islands in relation to Darwin and his discoveries.

    Damson Class: 
    This week in Maths we have been brushing up on our column method additions as well as practising the 8 and 9 times tables ready for our TT Rockstars on Friday. Our topic of Ancient Egypt has taken us back in time to the deciphering of the hieroglyphs on the Rosetta Stone and we have also tried writing our names in hieroglyphs.

    Oak Class: 
    This week we have been revising fractions and how to calculate with mixed number and improper fractions. In literacy we have started our new text ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ which has captured everyone’s imagination. We have explored vocabulary used, considered which talisman would support us. In Art work we have sketched people in action.
