Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 18th March 2020

    Wed 18 Mar 2020

    It has been a rather hectic week, as you can imagine, but I have been so proud of the children within our school.  They are clearly nervous due to everything they have been hearing in the media and they will be undoubtedly noticing an absence of some of their friends and some of our staff. Despite all of this the children are smiling and enjoying their learning and time within school.   We are endeavouring to keep everything as normal as possible within our school to ensure the children feel safe and are continuing to learn.
    Thank you for your patience and support at this time and for following the government guidance that is being published.  At the moment we have been advised to stop assemblies where parents are invited, so at the moment we will not be having our celebration assemblies.   
    We have very little news on the future and how long we will remain open.  This is due partially to government policy and partially on when we as a school can no longer get staff to adequately supervise and look after your children.  As staff we have to follow the same guidance on self-isolation as yourselves and where normally staff will be in school regardless of illness this situation is not allowed at this present time.

    Class Highlights of the Week:

    Maple Class: 
    This week we have been re-telling the story of the Three Little Pigs and have been using fantastic expression! We have also been learning 
    to tell the time in maths and have been focusing on o'clock times. Please help us to tell o'clock times at home too.
    Cedar Class: 
    The children have thoroughly enjoyed creating recipes and Mother’s Day cards this week. They're definitely aiming to melt hearts. In addition, time has been a real focus as of late in maths and this is always useful to practice at home.
    Damson Class: 
    This week we have been journalists: researching, interviewing and writing about strange events happening in our school!   Also, we have continued to learn new photo editing skills to create our own photo stories in ICT.  As well as this, we have been busy preparing for Mothers' day.
    Oak Class: 
    In Oak Class we have continued with business as usual - this week we have calculated averages, interpreted line graphs and begun to read pie charts. In Literacy we have been reading, comparing and writing short stories. I have been impressed with the class discussions and attitude of the children regarding Corona virus.


  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 11th March 2020

    Wed 11 Mar 2020

    We have had a busy week with every class busy enjoying their learning and finding out some amazing facts.  You will notice as you come into school our new display board, which shows some of opportunities the children have within our school.  The board is entitled ‘Life in all its Fullness’ and demonstrates the fullness of life we want to encourage within all of our children.
    Tomorrow we are looking forward to a very busy day, as the children enjoy dressing up for Sports Relief, enjoying a fun obstacle activity (along with a biscuit) and also taking part in our environmental learning day.  During the environmental day the children will have opportunities to develop their awareness of recycling, have practical opportunities to work on our growing beds and also make things that will encourage recycling and reduction in waste.
    A quick reminder that school will be closed on Friday, due to staff training.  I hope you all have a lovely weekend when it arrives.

    Class Highlights of the Week:
    Maple Class: 

    This week in Maple class we have been learning about the events of Palm Sunday in RE and are exploring different materials in Science. We are also looking forward to Environmental day on Thursday and will be exploring different ways we can recycle to help our planet.
    Cedar Class: 
    This week the children have really enjoyed reading the book 'Just a Dream' and relating this to the environment. We have undertaken some interesting activities with the goal of being more conscious about the environment.
    Damson Class: 
    This week we have been learning how to use both reported and direct speech in literacy.  In maths, we have been measuring and calculating perimeter and comparing imperial and metric measures.  Also, we have continued to learn new skills in Publisher to create our photo stories.  
    Oak Class: 
    We have been working on a few mothers day surprises. In numeracy we have been calculating averages and this week we have also been revisiting the easter story as well as considering who was responsible for Jesus’ death.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 4th March 2020

    Wed 11 Mar 2020

    It has been another lovely week with us thinking about on Monday what joy means and how we can create joy in our lives and in the lives of others.
    I must comment on the fantastic runners from Burton Green who took part in the cross country run last weekend.  It was a fantastic event with all children showing amazing commitment and determination to run and complete the race.  A special well done needs to go to Ellie who achieved an impressive second in a field of year 5 and 6 runners (over 100 runners) and Declan who achieved an impressive 24th position in a field of over 140 runners (mixed year 5 and 6).  As Ellie was in the top 20 she will be running in the Warwickshire final which determines the children who will run in the national competition.
    We are currently following the DFE advice on Coronavirus and will keep you updated if there is any information that you need to be aware of.  We are reminding the children of the importance of washing hands well and talking to them about good hygiene.  If you are concerned about anything we would recommend you call the advice helpline on 0800 046 8687.
    Just a reminder that it is World Book Day tomorrow and we look forward to seeing you dressed as your favourite character.  See you on Friday when we will once again celebrate our truly brilliant children.  I hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Class Highlights of the Week:
    Maple Class: 
    This week we are exploring ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and have been acting out the story. We have some super actors and story tellers! We are also doubling numbers in maths and are investigating different materials in Science.
    Cedar Class: 
    The children have enjoyed finding out about the founding of the Roman Empire. We retold the story of Romulus and Remus and discovered some really interesting facts.
    Damson Class: 
    This week we have been busy completing our spring term assessments.  Also, we have begun looking at journalistic writing in literacy and identifying the features.  In ICT, we have been learning to use a range of tools in Publisher ready to make our own photo stories.
    Oak Class: 
    We have been learning features of and writing balanced arguments in literacy. In numeracy we have been working on division and word questions involving addition and subtraction with decimal numbers. We have also begun to create a graffiti art piece.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 26th February 2020

    Wed 11 Mar 2020

    Welcome back to another busy half term with lots planned as we build up to Easter.  A quick reminder that if you are available there will be a parent talk at Burton Green tomorrow morning at 9:00 and one at 4:30 at All Saints’ where you can find out more information about the ‘All About Me’ RSE programme that is run within Warwickshire schools.  I apologise that these sessions aren’t necessarily at the best time for parents, but it is the best times that we could arrange for both the schools.
    We have received an email from the Junior Bake Off casting company asking if we would bring to your attention that they are now taking applications from 9-15 year olds who would like to take part.  Applications close on the 5th April and the website to enter is: WWW.APPLYFORJUNIORBAKEOFF.CO.UK.
    The weather continues to be very wet, but the forecasts speak of a colder spell and possible snow.  We will obviously endeavour to keep open in these circumstances, but should we have the need to shut, you will be notified on our texting service, the Warwickshire texting service and the local radio.
    We are looking forward to some of our year 5 and 6 children on Saturday morning competing at Moreton Morell; where we hope that our children will qualify for the final at the end of March (I’m also keeping my fingers crossed for good weather).
    I look forward to seeing you on Friday morning when we will see the children ‘Reach for the Stars’.

    Class Highlights of the Week:

    Maple Class: 
    We have started our topic on Traditional Tales and this week we are focussing on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk! We have been practising our story telling skills and have been ordering the story too. In maths we are exploring odd and even numbers and will be practising our counting in 2s.
    Cedar Class: 
    This week the children have made the transition from volcanos to our history topic... The Romans. We have started by diving into the ancient history with a timeline.
    Damson Class: 
    This week we have been using a range of different pastel techniques and some collage to finish our rainforest plants art work.  In literacy, we have been researching why rainforest deforestation takes place and what can be done to reduce this in preparation for writing an argumentative letter.
    Oak Class: 
    In literacy we are learning to plan and write balanced arguments – looking at features and balancing our own views with contrasting viewpoints. We have been swimming to assess our timings ready for the Swimming gala later in the term. In numeracy we are focusing on division.
