Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 29th November 2023

    Wed 29 Nov 2023

    Dear Parents,
    This week rehearsals have been continuing for both our production and carol concert.

    It is so special to see the children rehearsing and embracing the opportunity to sing our traditional carols and the more modern songs that go with our production.

    The classes have been busy creating their pictures for the advent calendar and we are looking forward to starting this exciting tradition tomorrow!

    Within our assemblies this week we were once again thinking of compassion and thinking about how we treat the older members of our community. 

    Behind the scenes we are very grateful for the support of the PTFA as they support us with so many things behind the scenes.  This year we have asked them to support with an update of our computing equipment within school. In addition, they are once again supporting the school pantomime and they are already sorting out food for the Christmas parties and a sweet treat to enjoy during the pantomime. Their help and support is really appreciated. Our school Christmas Fayre is ‘on’ this Friday (6-8pm) and it will be a great opportunity for everybody to support the school.

    I look forward to once again reaching for the stars on Friday and then seeing everybody enjoying themselves at the Christmas Fayre!

    Maple Class: 
    This week we have started reading our new book – Beegu. We made predictions about what we thought would happen to Beegu after exploring the first page. We have also written some great character descriptions on ‘Lost’ posters to help her get home. In maths, we have explored addition and are practising counting on. 

    Cedar Class:
    In Cedar we have been starting our new Literacy unit about Non-Fiction texts. Children have really enjoyed identifying the similarities and differences, as well as learning more about bikes! In Maths Yr2’s have been recapping adding 2-digit numbers together, while Yr3’s have been working on their mental subtraction. In topic we are continuing to learn about the UK, this week focussing on England. 

    Damson Class:
    This week Damson Class have reached the penultimate session in our Victorian learning. We have focused on Victorian Schools. Using our knowledge from the Black Country Living Museum, to enhance our thinking. In addition, we’re looking at place value in year 4 and 5 within 5- and 6-digit numbers which they have done well with.

    Oak Class:
    This week in maths we have been learning to calculate percentages, in English we have been focussing on instruction texts, in RE we have been evaluating spending money on Art and Architecture Vs Charity. We completed our Protective Behaviours work in PSHE and we are all looking forward to our class visit to Coventry Cathedral and Herbert World War II experience on Thursday as well as singing Carols at the Burton Geen Residents Christmas Lunch this Friday – a very busy week!

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 22nd November 2023

    Wed 22 Nov 2023

    Dear Parents,
    We have had an enjoyable week where everybody has once again been working hard.

    We have been continuing to think about Compassion within our assemblies and thinking about how we can behave to encourage sharing and understanding with everybody.

    This helps the children to think about how they can become a good friend and encourage good behaviour and kindness within our school.
    Rehearsals for our Christmas production are now well on the way and we are busily planning the start of December as we look forward to starting our Burton Green Advent calendar at the end of next week and our Christmas Fair next Friday evening.

    It is quickly becoming a very busy time of the year, but most definitely one full of excitement! 

    I look forward to celebrating with you all at the end of the week as we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’ in our assembly on Friday. I hope you have a lovely weekend, when it finally arrives!

    Maple Class: 
    This week in Maple, we have been very creative story tellers and have planned some fantastic new adventures for Baby Bear! In maths, we have explored positional language and have also compared the length of different items. We have explored the properties of different materials in science and have experimented with different medias to create self-portraits in Art.


    Cedar Class:
    Cedar have really enjoyed getting stuck into their new Topic ‘An Island Home’, this week they researched Scotland. In Maths, Yr 2’s were improving their measuring skills, while Yr 3’s focussed on place value in 3-digit numbers. In Literacy, we have been developing our writing skills, planning and writing a story on anger. This has linked well with our PSHE, which has continued from anti-bullying week focussing on anger and kindness.

    Damson Class:
    This week we have been reflecting on our Black Country Museum trip writing a first-person recount of the events, what we learn as well as our own opinion on how we felt about it. 
    In addition, we have finished our literacy unit, Saving Sorya, which has been thoroughly enjoyed by all. This is a book about conservation and saving animals and the children have really taken it in, empathising and understanding with the characters.

    Oak Class:
    This week in Oak Class we have been leaning how to calculate with mixed number fractions and to multiply and divide fractions by whole numbers. In English we have been analysing the features of non-chronological reports, we have structured information and collected facts about conscription in World War II ready to write our own reports – in our history work. We have also been cooking and sampling war time ration recipes – lettuce, parsley and potato soup and rock cakes.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 15th November 2023

    Wed 15 Nov 2023

    Dear Parents,
    Last week finished with our remembrance assembly on Friday. We enjoyed an opportunity to talk about the act of remembrance and what it means to us all.

    I was very impressed with how the children marked the two minutes silence. As a school it has also been lovely seeing our year 6 children selling the Poppies around school every day and setting such a lovely example to the younger children.

    This week we have been thinking about anti- bullying week and the children have been completing work to help them think about what it feels like to be bullied and how we can stop this together.

    A reminder that it is ‘Children in Need’ on Friday, so we look forward to seeing the children in their pjs and parents are able to donate to Children in Need via our BGA Just Giving page!

    I look forward to seeing you on Friday when we can once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.  I hope you have a lovely weekend, when it finally arrives

    Maple Class: 
    This week we have been celebrating how we are all unique and special as part of ‘Anti-Bulling Week’. We have explored the story ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’ and have discussed how we can be a bucket filler, through showing kindness to others, and not a bucket dipper. We have also explored ways we can be a good friend to others. In maths, we are learning all about number bonds. Reception have focussed on ways we can make 5 and Year 1 are working with number bonds to 10. 

    Cedar Class:
    Cedar have really enjoyed focussing on Acts of Kindness this week as part of ‘Anti-Bullying Week’, we have discussed ways in which we can fill peoples happiness buckets and brighten their day. We have also started our new Topic of ‘An Island Home’, and they have loved learning all about Wales. In Maths year 2’s have been investigating direction, whereas year 3’s have been practicing their measuring skills. In English we have linked our learning to Anti-Bullying week with focussing on stories about anger.

    Damson Class:
    This week has been brilliant in Damson Class, looking forward to our class trip, keeping our fingers crossed for the weather! The children have had the pleasure of building their knowledge of Victorian Schools, looking at old Burton Green Log Books to observe the reason for absences and punishment, as well as what general school life was like. In addition, I am aware that homework was tricky this week and long division is something we will continue to focus on in the coming weeks. This week, the maths homework is limited and will focus on concepts from the weeks learning. I will be running a Homework Help Session every Monday Lunchtime (first 10 minutes), only for those pupils who wish to join. This will not be a session for completing homework, rather going over already taught concepts. 

    Oak Class:
    In Oak class this week considered Acts of Kindness and what we could do to show kindness in school, at home and in the community. This was connected to the Anti-Bullying work in did. In maths we have made net shapes and started to understand how fractions are calculated – recognising numerators, denominators, mixed numbers and calculating with these. In English we are learning to understand non-chronological reports and we will be writing in this style to supplement out World War II work on rationing. We are also busy singing Carols ready to sing for the Burton Green Residents Christmas lunch.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 8th November 2023

    Wed 08 Nov 2023

    Dear Parents,
    Welcome back to another busy half term at school. I hope you had an enjoyable half term and you managed to enjoy some quality family time together. 

    As we have come back to school it has been lovely seeing the children settle quickly back into their routines and continue building on the firm foundations of learning that they started the term with.

    It has been lovely to see the hard work the children in Damson class have put into their history work and I know they will be looking forward to their forthcoming trip to the Black Country Museum. 

    On Thursday we will be enjoying one of our Dance Days which this term will have the focus of Diwali.  I know the children will once again enjoy this special experience. 

    This Friday there won’t be a celebration assembly as within school we will having our Remembrance Assembly as we remember those who fought and lost their lives in the many wars.

    Maple Class: 
    We have really enjoyed learning about Diwali festival this week and are looking forward to our dance workshop on Thursday! We have created some fantastic rangoli and mehndi patterns. We have also enjoyed our new story ‘Whatever Next!’ to start our Space topic. 

    Cedar Class:
    This week Cedar has enjoyed starting their new topic ‘An Island Home’, starting to learn about the 4 nations of the UK. In maths, year 2’s have been focussing on direction and enjoyed directing each other around the playground accurately, while year 3’s have been perfecting their measuring skills. In Literacy, we have been recounting our Warwick Castle trip, perfecting our skills in setting, and emotion in the text.

    Damson Class:
    This week the children have settled back in well with a too many spaces and new topics to learn. In maths we have been reviewing decimals (e.g. 0.1, 0.2) and rounding these numbers to the nearest whole number. In addition, we have been continuing our topic and focusing more on Victorian life and what it was like. This will also be enhanced by our trip to the Black Country Living Museum.

    Oak Class:
    We have had a busy start back to this half term which started with progress assessments. In maths we have been calculating area and perimeter of compound shapes and in English we have been writing persuasively connected to our topic work on World War II. We have also started our protective behaviours work in PSHE.
    In RE we have begun our unit by considering places that we regard as special, places where we can reflect and think.
