Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 26th June 2019

    Wed 26 Jun 2019

    Last week we finished off with some of our children doing us proud at the athletics in Edmonscote.  A thoroughly enjoyable event with our children doing their very best against a very competitive field.  Considering the size of our school we did well with Ellie B getting a second in girls 600m for year 5 and a 1st in the 75m skipping and a 1st for Mollie R in the year 4 skipping race.  Well done to all who took part.


    The children have been again having a busy week with a trip to Gaydon for Year 6 and lots of hard work as we rush to the end of term! 


    On Friday we are warming up for our amazing Summer Fayre!  A fantastic opportunity to spend some time with friends and raise money for the school.  There will be lots of great stalls to enjoy, great food and drink and of course the ‘GUNGE TANK’!


    Class Highlights of the Week:
    Maple Class:

    We are very proud of all of the children in Maple Class for their super performance in our class assembly! Well done! We are also having a very exciting week as we have had a break in from a pirate! We are looking for clues and deciding who we think the culprit is.
    Cedar Class:
    This week the children have enjoyed creating landscapes using watercolours. We used a mixture of colours that reflected the climate of Africa, which we are studying in our topic this term.
    Damson Class:
    We have been learning how to play kwik cricket and putting all our cricket training into practise.  Also, we have been learning about pyramid construction through the ages.
    Oak Class:
    This week Oak class have been perfecting their country dances which we will show to parents on Sports Day. Also, we have been working on our end of year show, as well as a fabulous trip to JLR Gaydon. We have also been preparing for our trip to Kingswood, enjoying a fun-filled day with our All Saints peers – another busy week!

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 19th June 2019

    Wed 19 Jun 2019

    Another week has flown by with lots of exciting things happening across the school.  Maple class have been busily working on their class assembly and the excitement is huge as they prepare to ‘wow’ you all with their confident performances.  In Cedar class we have seen the children continue to work hard (as well as prepare a few amazing songs for their assembly!).  I know they enjoyed a fantastic ‘writing day’ yesterday when they got a chance to extend their stories into epic novels.  All of this is being interwoven with our work on Country Dancing for next week’s Kenilworth festival at the Castle and Athletics work.  It was so lovely to see the children competing last night (in the slightly damp conditions) and giving it their all in both throwing and long jump.  Well done all of those who took part, some amazing achievements.

    It’s not just the children who are busy as the PTFA hosted a wine and cheese evening last Friday.  This was a fantastic event with a really special atmosphere.  They raised an impressive £260 which will help fund a restock of the school library and thanks need to go to the PTFA who organised and Mr Abbott (Ben’s dad in year 6) for kindly donating the wine to make the evening possible.


    Class Highlights of the Week:
    Maple Class:
    We had a great morning on Tuesday as our friends from All Saints came to work with us. Reception completed Forest School activities together and Year one had a Multi-Sports morning - it was good fun! We are very busy practising our assembly too.
    Cedar Class:
    The children have really enjoyed the beginning of our new topic where we are comparing two countries and continents. We have been studying the culture and location of South Africa and comparing it to the UK.
    Damson Class:
    This week we have been learning all about the process of mummification and writing sequences instructions in topic.  In literacy, we have been writing persuasive arguments to save Polar bears.
    Oak Class:
    We enjoyed organising and supervising the Year one multi-skills morning. Cooking our healthy snacks and sharing them was good fun. Now we are starting rehearsals for our end of year show.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 12th June 2019

    Wed 12 Jun 2019

    We have had a busy week with lots happening.  I had the opportunity to see our Oak class busily working on their enterprise initiatives.  It certainly looks like we are going to have some fantastic stalls at our Summer Fayre!  You will also notice that there is a flyer for our ‘Busking Stop’ that will be open at the Summer Fayre.  A great opportunity to show your talent (whatever your age!)

    We have been notified that there is likely to be some disruption with the works that are planned by HS2.  Please keep an eye out for any messages regarding this as unfortunately it does tend to cause chaos at pick up and drop off times. 

    On Friday we have the Cheese and Wine evening to look forward to (grab a ticket if you haven’t got one already!) and of course our usual Friday morning celebration of the fantastic achievements of the children within the school.  I look forward to seeing you there.


    Class Highlights of the Week:
    Maple Class:

    We have been enjoying creating our pirate names this week and have been making pirate passports! We are also very busy rehearsing our assembly.
    Cedar Class:
    Happy Father’s day to all. We have enjoyed designing and creating some interesting cards which will help celebrate this special day.
    Damson Class:
    We have been learning about Jean-François Champollion the famous French scholar who used the Rosetta stone to decode hieroglyphs.  We have also had a go at producing our cartouches.  In literacy, we have been considering arguments both for and against keeping animals in zoos in preparation for some persuasive writing. 
    Oak Class:
    We have been busy with, Country Dancing, Lego Mind Storms in ICT and studying evolution in science as well as getting ready for cookery this Thursday – creating healthy snacks.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 5th June 2019

    Wed 05 Jun 2019

    Welcome back after what I hope was a relaxing half term break. We now begin a very busy half term with lots going on for children and adults.  There is so much planned I’m not sure how we are going to fit it in!  Today is also the day that we have welcomed our first new group of children into Maple class.  The buzz of excitement across the school is huge. On another note I have met with some representatives from Cala homes and they have discussed with myself how they wish to support the school.  They have already had soil delivered for our gardening beds (which we needed) and they are keen to purchase a reading arbour for the school, so children can enjoy reading in the fresh air.  The work they do with schools also involves safety talks which we will be organising soon, to ensure children are kept as safe as possible.

    I hope to see some of you at our assembly on Friday morning when we can celebrate the very special children we have in our school.


    Class Highlights of the Week:
    Maple Class:

    This week we are excited to meet some of the new reception children who will be joining our class in September and will be helping them settle into Maple Class. We have also started our new 'Pirates' topic and have been learning what an algorithm is in ICT.
    Cedar Class:
    Cedar class have started learning our country dances. This is in preparation for our country dancing at Kenilworth Castle.
    Damson Class:
    This week we have been discovering what Howard carter and Lord Carnarvon discovered inside a famous tomb and considering whether we would be brave enough to enter...after reading the curse above the door!
    Oak Class:
    A very busy week with working through profit and loss accounts – deciding on our enterprise projects, learning the first of our Country dances and understanding which ingredients really go into making a healthy snack!
