Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 21st October 2020

    Wed 21 Oct 2020

    It has been a busy week with the children busily continuing their learning in preparation for our parent consultations this week.  
    Whilst it is sad that we haven’t been able to see you all in school, it has been nice to hear the teachers talking about the positive meetings that have taken place over the last 2 days.  
    Reflecting back over this half term it has been so lovely to have had all of the children back in school enjoying their learning and enjoying time with their friends.  The parent consultations have given us as a school, a time to reflect and talk through not only the children’s academic progress, but the way they have all adjusted to the changes within the school.  I am so pleased with everything that has been achieved this half term and hope that you enjoy a lovely half term break.


    It was fantastic to share the experience of our ‘new children’ laying their stones in our Peace Garden today.  I am always touched by how special and important this service is to the children in school.  This will be shared with everybody later in the week.

    Maple Class: 
    This week we are reading 'The Little Red Hen' and have been thinking about the characters choices in the story. We have been retelling it and thought about how we would help the Little Red Hen if we were a character in the story. In maths we have been problem solving and we have been sorting different types of animals in Science.

    Cedar Class: 
    We have enjoyed sketching Queen Elizabeth this week focusing on proportions of features on the face. We have also been problem solving in maths and reading the famous Owl and the Pussycat in literacy.

    Damson Class: 
    This week we have been looking at the features of instructional and explanation texts in literacy.  


    In our topic work, we have been researching Star Carr in Yorkshire as a Mesolithic site.  Also, we have been revisiting our happiness boxes and considering if we want to add any extra pieces to them.

    Oak Class: 
    We have been busy calculating multiplication problems using both grid and short methods in numeracy. In literacy we have been studying the features of non-chronological reports. In our topic work we have created information leaflets to show how we can apply these features independently in our own work. We have also selected a C******** script (I did not want to be the first to write the word that should not be mentioned until December). A busy half term and well deserved rest has been earned by all.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 14th October 2020

    Wed 14 Oct 2020

    It has again been a very busy week and I can’t believe we are only one week away from half term.  This week the air has been filled with children busily rehearsing for our virtual harvest festival.  It certainly doesn’t feel the same without the buzz and excitement of singing or seeing the other classes rehearse/perform, but we are still making the most of it.  I think the upside is that the children like the idea of being ‘film stars’.
    I would like to take this opportunity to again please ask all parents to try and be prompt for dropping off and collecting their children.  We are aware that the staggered start/finish times and the roadworks cause many issues for everybody, but we are trying to ensure cross contamination between groups is kept to a minimum.  Your support on this staggered approach is really appreciated.

    I hope you have a lovely weekend when it arrives and we look forward to seeing you (virtually) at the parent consultations next week.

    Maple Class: 
    This week we are enjoying reading Percy the Park Keeper books by Nick Butterworth. We are writing character descriptions and are designing our own exciting parks! In maths we are learning to estimate how many objects are in a set and are then counting them accurately to check the amount.

    Cedar Class: 
    This week we have been learning how to partition in maths and apply this into our expanded column method in year 3. Alongside this we have been continuing to learn about the story of Thanksgiving.

    Damson Class: 
    This week we have been planning and writing our own class fable, using lots of good fiction writing skills.  In our topic work, we have been learning about the physical, geographical and spiritual features of Stonehenge and creating some beautiful sunset paintings of the site.  Also, we have been busy creating our contribution to the harvest celebration.

    Oak Class: 
    We have had a busy week calculating time intervals in numeracy, starting non chronological reports in literacy and writing descriptions of animals. We have also practiced our Harvest contribution and had it filmed ahead of next weeks harvest celebrations.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 7th October 2020

    Wed 07 Oct 2020

    Many thanks for the effort that everybody has made at the end of the school day when collecting their children.  I am hopeful that the children limiting their time with other bubbles and the improved social distancing will increase the safety of all within our community.


    On another matter I would like to ask all parents to ensure they are parking considerately when collecting and dropping their children at school.

    I have received an email from one of the residents of Burrow Hill Park who had photographed a car that they believe was from one of our parents parked inconsiderately in front of their house.  In addition to this I would be grateful if parents can avoid parking on the zig zag lines outside of school.  We recognise that parking and the road works are frustrating, but it is paramount that children’s safety is at the forefront of everybody’s minds.


    As this half term flies by it continues to be a pleasure to see and hear the children enjoying their learning.  This week I was treated to the sounds of Cedar class beginning their Ukulele lessons, a class full of budding musicians!   I also got to see some very persuasive adverts from Oak class where they were trying to convince me to buy some very stylish trainers, a class of budding entrepreneurs in the making!


    Yesterday you should have received our parent consultation forms.  This year these will be virtual meetings which will be held using Microsoft teams.  When organised a link to this meeting will be emailed directly to your email account that is held on record at the school.

    I hope you have an enjoyable rest of the week and keep yourselves safe and healthy.

    Maple Class: 
    This week we have been learning all about Harvest festival and how it is celebrated in Britain. In our Art lesson we created some super harvest baskets and look forward to showcasing them soon in the Harvest virtual assembly. We have also been exploring 2D shape and symmetrical patterns in maths.


    Cedar Class: 
    This week the children have enjoyed learning a little more about Queen Elizabeth. In turn we created a portrait to celebrate her achievements and what a strong woman she was.


    Damson Class: 
    This week in Damson class we have been looking at the features of fables and working on our use of direct speech.  Also, we have been getting much better at using column method to add 3, 4 and 5 digit numbers.


    Oak Class: 
    We have been writing persuasively in literacy and topic work this week. In R.E we have been researching how Harvest is celebrated across the world. Everyone is working hard and producing a lot of written work which is of a good standard. In numeracy we have been calculating using BODMAS and we are now converting weights and measures. A busy week!
