Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 30th September 2020

    Wed 30 Sep 2020

    Another week enjoying the sound of learning within the classrooms.


    I am so impressed with how all of the children have returned to school and continue to be so motivated and take each challenge in their stride.  All of the new routines are now fully established and the children continue to value their time with friends even more than they used to. 


    The teachers have continued to make learning fun and engaging despite the extra duties that they continue to do each and every day.


    I would like to ask that parents leave the school when they have collected their children at the end of the day, as it is becoming evident that a number of children from differing bubbles are all playing together.  As a school we have many plans in place to avoid bubbles mixing in school, which is necessary to allow a school to maintain open if isolated cases occur.


    Cases are on the rise and we need to remain vigilant in order to ensure our vulnerable staff, pupils and parents feel safe to attend school.

    Maple Class: 
    This week in Maple Class we are reading the story ‘Knock, Knock, Who’s There?’ and are creating our own characters to add into the story. We are also exploring stories from different religions in RE and were great at acting out ‘Jesus Calms the Storm’ using our outdoor area!


    Cedar Class: 
    This week Cedar class have really enjoyed starting our new book 'Think of an Eel' to learn about non-fiction texts. We have enjoyed finding out about the life cycle of the European eel as well as other interesting facts. In addition, we have begun our new monarch topic by learning about the role of the king or queen.


    Damson Class: 
    We have been writing information texts about Stone Age hunter gatherers in literacy and in music we have been creating our own pieces of music using tuned percussion instruments to represent the planets in our solar system.  


    Oak Class: 
    We have begun reading our class text Goodnight Mr Tom which we are all enjoy. In literacy we have been analysing advertisements and we have created some of our own using persuasive language and rhetorical devices. In history we have written letters in the style of evacuees.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 23rd September 2020

    Wed 23 Sep 2020

    Time is again flying as we enjoy a fun filled week of learning.  As I have gone around the school it has been lovely to see the children enjoying the challenges within their learning.  I have been lucky enough to see Damson class busily working on their science learning this week and Maple class where our reception children are settling in really well and our Year 1 children are growing up so fast!


    I would be grateful if any parents who are likely to run late for collection at the end of the day notify the office.  At the moment we need to keep bubble groups separate and this causes issues when we have groups at the end of the day.


    We will once again be filming our virtual celebration assembly this week, as it gives us a chance as a community to come together and celebrate the wonderful achievements of the children within the school. 


    Have a wonderful weekend when it finally appears.

    Maple Class: 
    This week we are enjoying the story ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’ and will be creating our own stories with an animal visitor! In maths we are creating repeating patterns and are finding all of the ways to make 5 and 6. We have also been learning about Autumn and are on the look out for autumn objects outside!

    Cedar Class: 
    This week the children have enjoyed making links between nurses, past and present.


    Damson Class: 
    In R.E we have been learning about the life of Moses and considering what this teaches Christians about the ideas of freedom and justice.  Also, in music, we have been listening and creating pieces of music inspired by space which has involved us considering the images that a piece of music creates in our mind. 

    Oak Class: 
    This week we finished our Outsiders Unit and have started out Persuasion Unit of work in literacy – writing letters to Mr Morris. In numeracy we have been calculating with decimal numbers and are starting some basic algebra. Some fabulous sketches of Winston Churchill are also now on the wall of our class (a picture will be added to our website class page).

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 16th September 2020

    Tue 22 Sep 2020

    I can’t believe that we are already on the second full week. The time is flying by as we continue to enjoy having the children back in school.


    As a quick reminder could I ask that you send your child in with a coat every day and ensure their water bottle is freshly filled each morning.


    We apologise that we are needing to restrict parents access to school. If there is an issue that you want to discuss with your child’s class teacher, please contact the office and they will relay this.


    If we can ask that you continue to support us by reading with your child each evening and talk through the books they are reading.


    We have been advised that if your child has cold symptoms (runny nose, sneezing, no temperature and no cough) as opposed to the temperature and persistent cough, that you can still send your child into school. If however you are unsure about the symptoms your child is presenting I would always prefer you go with a precautious approach. If the school takes your child’s temperature and it is above 38 or they have a persistent cough reported by staff within school, we will request you get a test. As a school we are committed to keeping everybody safe and ensuring the school remains open.


    If you are ever unsure on whether what to do I would recommend the NHS website https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19 where you can follow their advice.


    Please always inform us of why your child is absent as this allows us to keep the community as safe as we can.


    I will be emailing the link to our Celebration assembly on Friday where you will be able to watch it for one week.


    Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the autumn weather!


    Maple Class:

    This week Reception are joining us full time and are really enjoying sharing their ‘chatterboxes’. It also means we are getting to know each other really well! In Literacy, we are exploring stories about ‘Mog the Forgetful Cat’ and are thinking about what our perfect pet would be.


    Cedar Class:

    This week the children have begun learning about the life of Mary Seacole and her impact on the nursing world. Furthermore, the children have done brilliantly both working with Place Value (Y2) and Adding and Subtracting near multiples of 10 (Y3)


    Damson Class:

    This week we have been listening to music inspired by space and creating music from images. Also, in our topic work we have begun studying the Stone Age and have placed some key events on timelines.


    Oak Class:

    Oak have had a good week overall. Everyone created super still life sketches focusing on shading and proportion. We have learned how and why World War II began and now understand that politicians and world leaders do not always tell the truth – Adolf Hitler signed The Munich Agreement but did not stick with his promise.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 9th September 2020

    Tue 22 Sep 2020

    It has been lovely this week seeing all of the children continuing to enjoy the routine of being back in school. As I walk around the school I see lots of smiling faces and some amazing happiness boxes!


    Each day brings a new set of challenges and tweaks to our routines, but the chance to see the children enjoying their active learning with their friends is priceless.


    Next week we will start our celebration assemblies ‘online’ with the children once again being able to earn certificates and celebrate their achievements with the school community.


    I would be grateful if when waiting whilst either dropping your child off at school or picking up if you try to keep the exit free. This will allow parents to escape the playground whilst still allowing social distancing.

    I would also like to ask that at the moment we refrain from sharing cakes and sweets for birthday treats. Whilst this is a lovely and thoughtful thing to do, it does encourage cross contamination which we trying to eliminate.


    Many thanks for all of your support and I hope you have a well-deserved and happy weekend, when it finally arrives.


    Maple Class:

    We have really enjoyed welcoming Year 1 back into Maple Class and they have settled back in so well! They have been busy creating their happiness boxes and we have been exploring the story 'The Colour Monster' which has been helping us think about different feelings. It has been lovely to meet all of the new reception children this week! The Year 1 children have been superstars at helping them settle into the Maple Class and we are looking forward to them joining us full time next week.


    Cedar Class:

    This week cedar class have been discussing their worries during reading Ruby’s Worries. We’ve also started on our reading book The One and Only Ivan!


    Damson Class:

    This week we have been learning about information texts in literacy and thinking about items to include in our happiness boxes.


    Oak Class:

    Everyone has settled back into school and class amazingly well. We were all happy to share news, playtimes and to be back into the routine of schooling again. We have made a start on a new literacy unit about being an outsider and we are starting our World War II topic this week too. Everyone has made a happiness box which was trickier than we all thought.
