Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 16th February 2022

    Wed 16 Feb 2022

    Dear Parents,
    It has been a very busy half term with lots going on and a real buzz of excitement within school.


    It was lovely to have so many of you coming to our parent consultations to find out about the great progress your children have made over this term.  It is a real team effort and I know the staff really appreciate the time to share your child’s achievements.


    As we finish the first half of the year I would once again like to thank all of you for your tremendous support through another difficult year.  Working together allows us to offer the very best education for all of the children within the school.  I am looking forward to the increasing opportunities when we will be able to get together in person.


    I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing staff, who have gone constantly above and beyond, to ensure that the children have consistency of education and a real feeling of fun as they enter school each day.  We are lucky to have such a fantastic team.


    I would like to wish you all a restful and enjoyable half term (when it comes) where I hope you will enjoy quality time together as families.

    Maple Class:
    This week we have been thinking all about how to be kind to others as it is ‘Kindness Week’. We have been thinking about what makes a good friend and are trying hard to make sure we treat others how we like to be treated. We also had a very exciting D&T Day where we made our own dinosaurs out of junk modelling materials. We created some super dinosaurs and even invited Year 6 in to look at them. We hope you have a lovely half term!

    Cedar Class: 
    The children have worked brilliantly this term and are certainly ready for the break. We have recently finished our literacy unit about ANGER! The children have found this really useful with managing their own thoughts and feelings.

    Damson Class
    An exciting time in Damson Class this week as we approach half term. The children are making their Rainforest Diorama’s in Topic, having an ICT Day and a fun swimming session too. They have worked hard this term and deserve a well-earned break!

    Oak Class: 
    In Oak Class this week we have watched a Nancy Drew detective program, made appropriate notes and written a film review.  In numeracy we have been focussed on long division – much to everyone’s joy! 
    We have discussed and explored suggested Acts of Kindness as a class – as they all recognise how they could make a difference at home hopefully they are all helping out more.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 9th February 2022

    Wed 09 Feb 2022

    Dear Parents,
    This week has been a hive of activity as we celebrated internet safety day this week.  We took this as an opportunity to work with the children on their awareness of keeping themselves safe online.


    We all recognise what a benefit the internet has offered so many of us through Covid times, but it is still important to remind the children of the potential risks.


    On the 2nd March Mr Nailor and myself will be hosting a virtual internet safety session for parents to either watch live or watch the recording (times to come shortly).  Within this session we will be highlighting the best ways to keep your child safe but also enjoy the opportunities of what the internet has to offer (now and in the future).


    Next week will be a very special week as we mark ‘random acts of kindness’ week and we also get a chance to celebrate your child’s achievements within parent consultations.


    I look forward to celebrating with you all on Friday when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’ 

    Maple Class:
    This week we have been learning about how to keep safe when using the internet as it was Internet Safety Day on Tuesday. We learnt a song from Smartie the Penguin to help us remember what to do if something pops up or if we’re not sure what to click on. It is also Mental Health Awareness Week so we have been learning about how to keep our minds healthy and have been thinking about how special each person is!

    Cedar Class: 
    This week Cedar Class have been focusing on internet safety. Internet safety day was on Tuesday 8th February and we had a day of fun filled activities learning about respect and appropriate online use. 

    Damson Class
    This week in Damson we have been writing our arguments on the subject of deforestation in Literacy and in Maths we have been continuing with multiplication methods. We have also been increasing our understanding on our Mental Health and Keeping Safe Online.

    Oak Class: 
    In Oak Class we have started our ‘Detective Unit’, reading and analysing a story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. We definitely have some budding detectives in class who were able to successfully piece together the clues to solve the crime.  In our maths work this week we have been using reasoning skills to solve word problems. A busy week with a focus on children’s mental health and online safety too! 

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 2nd February 2022

    Wed 02 Feb 2022

    Dear Parents,
    It has been another busy week with lots going on.


    I had the privilege this week of joining Damson for their swimming session.  I was so proud of not only their fantastic swimming and the progress they have made, but their fantastic behaviour.  They were so sensible and got changed so quickly.  I was impressed with their sensible approach and how they were a credit to our school.


    It has also been nice to hear year 6 begin their recorder playing.  I can’t wait until we can hear a performance in public!!


    It is so wonderful to see the wonderful achievements of all of the pupils and I am looking forward to celebrating with you on Friday when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.

    Maple Class:
    This week we have been learning all about the celebration of Chinese New Year! We tasted some Chinese foods and created some super Chinese lanterns. We have also been continuing our fiction topic in literacy and have been creating our own version of: The Way to the Zoo. In maths, we have been exploring counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. 

    Cedar Class: 
    This week we have been learning about a famous artist Margret Godfrey and her work on Volcanic art, similar to your homework. We have been learning a variety of techniques to collage in her style. The children have really enjoyed moving onto her work.

    Damson Class
    This week in Damson Class we have been learning about the difference between fact and opinion in our literacy topic on Arguments and Debate. We will be linking this work to our Rainforest Topic and looking at the issues around deforestation. Whilst in Maths we are using our timetable knowledge to work out division problems. 

    Oak Class: 
    This week in Oak Class we have been comparing short stories from the book Short! In numeracy we have been learning about the properties of circles, drawing shapes to scale with measured angles. We have also begun to play recorders – hopefully in a few weeks we will play in an assembly.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 26th January 2022

    Wed 02 Feb 2022

    Dear Parents,
    This week has continued to be a busy week.  It has been lovely seeing the children continuing with their topic work and the way this brings excitement into the children’s learning.


    I was particularly impressed with the fantastic artwork (and in particular the perspective) that Oak class has demonstrated within their work on the Mayas.  They could certainly give me art lessons!


    Every time I enter Maple class I have bombarded (in the nicest sense) with tales of dinosaurs and eggs hatching.  It is lovely to see how this topic has developed and the children are now enjoying the story about Harry and his bucket of dinosaurs.


    Thank you for continuing to regularly test your child for Covid using LFD tests.  Doing this ensures the safety of our community and especially those that are vulnerable.


    Have a great weekend when it finally arrives and I look forward to celebrating with you on Friday when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.

    Maple Class:
    This week in Maple Class we have started our fiction unit and are exploring the story: ‘Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs’. We have been ordering the story and describing the characters to help Harry find them! In maths we are learning about 3D shapes and have been hunting for objects that are these shapes around the classroom. Can you spot any at home?

    Cedar Class: 
    This week we have been learning all about the features of mountains including how their climates can be different to the country they’re in. In addition, we are beginning to learn ukuleles in our music lessons, which will be a fun and exciting opportunity for all pupils.

    Damson Class
    This week Damson Class are using mental and written methods to add decimals and money in Maths. In literacy we are looking at arguments and debates – in fact a discussion over HS2 drew a lot of strong opinions! Finally, in our topic work we have been using oil pastels to draw plants of the rainforest and compared our lives to a tribesman's.

    Oak Class: 
    This week in Oak Class we have been revising properties of both 2D and 3Dshapes as well as angles and triangles. In our topic work we have learned about and retold the Ancient Maya Creation Story. We have also written our own narrative poems including rhyme, repetition and vivid vocabulary.

  • Burton Green Academy Newsletter 19th January 2022

    Wed 02 Feb 2022

    Dear Parents,
    This week I have had the pleasure of showing our governors around the school and sharing all of the good work that takes place every day within the school.


    The children were wonderful (as always) as they demonstrated the independent way in which they went about their learning and their enthusiasm for all of the different topics that they have covered.  It was so reassuring to hear from governors on how they felt the school had continued to develop and flourish despite all of the difficulties that Covid has brought.


    Within our collective worship this week I have focused on perseverance with the children and the different ways in which friends and trying to solve problems from a different angle can help us.  I also encouraged the children to think about all of their own passions and asked them to think what was inspirational about these and what they can achieve in their life journey.


    As always we will be celebrating the children’s many achievements on Friday when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.

    Maple Class:
    This week we have been continuing our non-fiction unit on dinosaurs and are busy creating some super posters to help others learn about them too! In maths we have been revisiting how to add by counting on. We have also been learning about animals in science and have been comparing similarities and differences. 

    Cedar Class: 
    This week we have been focusing on how mountains are formed. The children are really enjoying using books and the iPads to learn more about the geography of the world and its continents. Equally, we have weighted our PSHE teaching towards gender stereotypes. We have talked about how boys and girls don’t have to fit into certain boxes and can enjoy and like what they like without discrimination. 

    Damson Class
    This week in Damson Class we have been looking at the properties of shapes and angles in Maths and writing a short biography on Sir David Attenborough in Literacy. We have also begun our new computing topic and enjoyed using Logo to programme a turtle to move.

    Oak Class: 
    We have been creating poetry following both the rap and rhyme styles. In numeracy we have been multiplying with decimal numbers and working on word reasoning questions.
    In our PHSE have been exploring various family set ups and how families help us to feel supported and secure. 
