Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 16th June 2021

We have had a busy week with lots happening. We have been working on our assessments this week which has meant lots of hard work.  I have been really impressed with the children and how hard they have worked and the great learning behaviours they have demonstrated.


As you may know the official SATS for KS1 and KS2 were cancelled for this year, but we decided to give Year 6 a realistic experience, to show us what they know.  I would like to thank Mrs T and Mrs Waite for once again stepping up to the plate and providing bacon baps for the children in year 6.  It is a lot of extra work, but I think the children really appreciate the extra effort that goes into this.


The government continue to give us updates on the lifting of Lockdown and are continuing to promote a cautious approach.


When we get the official updates from the DFE and our Trust and when we know the implications of these changes we will keep you informed.

Looking forward to celebrating your children’s achievements at the end of the week.


Maple Class: 
This week we are going to be helping Captain Brownbeard’s crew to try and find our treasure!! We are working on writing some super character and setting descriptions and are thinking about what adjectives we could use. In maths we are completing some assessments and are working very hard.


Cedar Class: 
The children have enjoyed writing persuasively this week with a poster trying to encourage others to plant trees and the benefit this would have. Equally, we have all enjoyed researching different climates in Africa, whilst also looking forward to beginning our Lego WeDo topic in computing later this week.

Damson Class: 
In Damson Class this week, we have been thinking about the pros and cons of zoos, in order to write a piece of persuasive writing for literacy. In maths we have been working on fractions and mental strategies for easier calculations. We have also had lots of sensible discussions on the subject of relationships in RSE.

Oak Class: 
Oak class have been completing end of year assessments ahead of their move to secondary school. They have been coping very well and are undertaking the tests in a mature way. We have also been working on transition subjects to prepare for their next school journey.
