Burton Green Academy Newsletter 9th September 2020
It has been lovely this week seeing all of the children continuing to enjoy the routine of being back in school. As I walk around the school I see lots of smiling faces and some amazing happiness boxes!
Each day brings a new set of challenges and tweaks to our routines, but the chance to see the children enjoying their active learning with their friends is priceless.
Next week we will start our celebration assemblies ‘online’ with the children once again being able to earn certificates and celebrate their achievements with the school community.
I would be grateful if when waiting whilst either dropping your child off at school or picking up if you try to keep the exit free. This will allow parents to escape the playground whilst still allowing social distancing.
I would also like to ask that at the moment we refrain from sharing cakes and sweets for birthday treats. Whilst this is a lovely and thoughtful thing to do, it does encourage cross contamination which we trying to eliminate.
Many thanks for all of your support and I hope you have a well-deserved and happy weekend, when it finally arrives.
Maple Class:
We have really enjoyed welcoming Year 1 back into Maple Class and they have settled back in so well! They have been busy creating their happiness boxes and we have been exploring the story 'The Colour Monster' which has been helping us think about different feelings. It has been lovely to meet all of the new reception children this week! The Year 1 children have been superstars at helping them settle into the Maple Class and we are looking forward to them joining us full time next week.
Cedar Class:
This week cedar class have been discussing their worries during reading Ruby’s Worries. We’ve also started on our reading book The One and Only Ivan!
Damson Class:
This week we have been learning about information texts in literacy and thinking about items to include in our happiness boxes.
Oak Class:
Everyone has settled back into school and class amazingly well. We were all happy to share news, playtimes and to be back into the routine of schooling again. We have made a start on a new literacy unit about being an outsider and we are starting our World War II topic this week too. Everyone has made a happiness box which was trickier than we all thought.