Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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Parents in partnership

At Burton Green we are committed to a partnership approach with parents in the education of their children. We believe that school based education is a continuation of the process begun by parents at the birth of their children. We aim to acknowledge what each individual child has already achieved and to build on this. Once the children start school parents, teachers and children continue the learning process together. 


Home - School - Child Agreement

The home school partnership is formalized in a home-school child agreement which parents are requested to sign when children start school.  This agreement outlines our responsibilities as a school to parents and children and the responsibilities that parents have in supporting the school.  When children enter years 5 and 6 they are asked to sign the agreement themselves.


Parents and Learning

Parental involvement in school and in their child’s learning underpins everything we aim to achieve at Burton Green. It is reflected in the ethos of the school because we believe parental involvement positively affects the children’s total development.

So that parents can support their child’s learning more effectively at home we hold frequent curriculum evenings when we explain how a particular aspect of the curriculum is taught. We are happy to share with parents information on what we teach, and how we teach it. We value your interest and support in the children’s learning.

Support resources are provided by the school to help parents become involved in their child’s learning. From their first day in school children bring home reading books and materials to share with parents. Information sheets are provided on such topics as ‘Hearing your child read’. Children may also need parents’ support in researching information for topics, collecting items for class display or preparing a talk about their hobby.

A Home- School reading link book is provided which is used by teachers and parents to communicate progress in reading. In Key Stage 2 pupils have a home/ school communication book which is used to record homework, timetables and a range of activities in which pupils are involved.


Home Learning

As we value parental support and we know pupils’ achievements are enhanced by parents’ involvement, the children are given a range of activities to do at home. This begins with reading activities in Reception and develops to include a wider range of curriculum subjects as the children progress through the Primary School. At all times children will be given clear instructions, appropriate resources and realistic time targets which acknowledge the importance of out of school hobbies and interests. We intend homework to be an enjoyable extension of school activities, which provides children and parents with opportunities to learn together.


Parents in School

Parents are warmly welcomed into school at any time, and we have many parents who actively involve themselves in the life of the school helping regularly with such activities as reading, art, and swimming. Grandparents and friends also have talents which benefit the children. All volunteers are warmly welcomed. A current DBS form, previously known as CRB submitted through Burton Green is required for all volunteers.



A weekly newsletter that provides information and celebrates the week’s achievements, is emailed to all families on Fridays.


‘The Friends of Burton Green’

All parents are automatically members of our very active association. A steering group of volunteers meets regularly organizes an annual programme of fund raising and social events and they appreciate any help volunteers can offer at the events. Movie evenings, Children’s Bingo,  Burns Night, Summer Barbecues  and Christmas Fairs  are a few events that are advertised in the school’s weekly newsletter. The fund raising focus of the year is the Christmas Fair and end of term barbecue.


Each year the PTFA raises considerable funds to benefit all the children in the school. Major developments include the development of our reading area, purchase of musical instruments  and keeping abreast of developments in ICT.


The PTFA often organise events such as; family board games and quiz afternoons.


Parental Concerns

At Burton Green we believe that children’s learning is enhanced by a partnership approach between pupils, parents and teachers. We endeavour to ensure that all decisions and actions are taken for the benefit of the children.


From time to time you may feel concerned about particular aspects of school life relating to your child. The class teacher is always available to discuss concerns and the Head  of School  is committed to an ‘Open Door’ policy where she is happy to discuss concerns with parents.

However there may be times when you, as a parent or guardian, feel you wish to discuss your concerns further and you should approach the Chair of Governors.

The governing body has agreed to follow the complaints procedure drawn up by Warwickshire Local Authority. A copy of this is available in school.
