Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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Burton Green Church of England Academy
Hob Lane
Burton Green

Telephone: (02476) 464130

Email: BGP.Office@GreenLeek.covmat.org


Head of the Green Leek Federation and Head Teacher: Mr Andrew Morris N.P.Q.H, BEd

Head of School: Miss Stella Villiers
SENDCo: Miss Stella Villiers
Acting Chair of Governors: Claire Harman-Sherwood (c/o
Burton Green Church of England Academy, Hob Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, CV8 1QBchair@greenleek.covmat.org

For all enquiries or comments, please contact Lisa White or Nik Wright via the academy office or BGP.Office@GreenLeek.covmat.org

A paper copy of the information contained in this website can be obtained free of charge by contacting the academy as above.

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