School Information
Burton Green Primary School is situated on the edge of the village of Burton Green, a small village on the south west outskirts of Coventry and close to Kenilworth and Balsall Common. There has been a school in Burton Green for nearly one hundred and fifty years and was originally housed in a Victorian building in the village. This building still forms part of our school but has been added to considerably over the years. 1998 saw the provision of a new classroom and practical areas. In 2005 a magnificent school hall was added, followed in 2011 by a purpose built Early Years classroom and outside area.
Most recent developments include an area of natural beauty adjacent to the school which is used extensively for science and environmental learning, and the extension of our playground to the rear of the school.
The school’s priority catchment area
The school priority catchment area includes Red Lane, Hob Lane and Hodgetts Lane to the Burton Green sign and Cromwell Lane to Westwood Heath Road junction but we also welcome families from farther afield, including Balsall Common, Berkswell, Kenilworth, Coventry and Solihull.
We admit 15 children into Reception each year and have 105 children in school. The school is organized in four classes, Reception and Year 1 in Maple Class, Year 2 and Year 3 in Cedar Class, Year 4 and Year 5 in Damson Class, and Year 6 in Oak Class