Latest News
Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.
7th February 2025
On Monday, this week we started with a focus on Children’s Mental Health Week’ - in assembly we looked at how we can build positive mental health habits. This theme is closely linked to our My Happy Mind and Spirituality - Wows, Ows and Nows work, children across school are positively engaging with all aspects of these themes.
We were fortunate to have a visit from one of our school governors on Wednesday. Mrs Reeves spoke with children across school to gain their views on how they are enjoying the current school themes.
Lunchtime play has been enhanced with the addition of new balls, this enables children to use the catchers and cups equipment that was not possible without balls! Let’s hope the weather remains dry this spring to allow children to get onto the field early - so the football fun can start as soon as possible.
Next week is ‘Online Safety Week’ - activities connected to this will happen in each class. I will be sending out some parental advice connected to online safety in next week’s newsletter.
Wishing you all a peaceful weekend.
31st January 2025
It has been another busy week at school this week. We started the week with an assembly from the Autistic Girls Charity -it was very informative, children engaged well with the content. It was a positive reminder to accept everybody and recognise that we are all unique and special. Also, discussion centred around how pupils could support peers who may have more challenges to overcome than others which is a great lesson for life.
We have been fortunate to welcome staff from the academy trust into school this week, you may have met a couple of them at morning drop off times. It is always a positive experience to show guests around our school, they are always so impressed with your children’s behaviour, manners, and attitude to learning. They were able to speak with children from all classes to discover what they enjoy about being at Burton Green C of E Academy and things they feel should be added or altered - pupil voice is at the heart of the decisions we make about our school.
Wishing you all a peaceful weekend.
24th January 2025
This week we started off with an assembly on the theme of Burns Night Celebrations and the fantastic work of Robert/Robbie (Rabbie) Burns, Scottish author and poet. We were able to listen to 'Up in the Morning' - which is very apt for the chilly weather we have all been enduring.
Across school Mr Gimes has relaunched our British Values theme recently. We have been reminded or taught anew the areas encompassed in British Values which include tolerance, democracy, freedom, the rule of law and respect. The values go hand in hand with our school vision to live 'life in all its fullness'. The values allow us all to live our own unique lives while being mindful to recognise that we need to be tolerant and respectful of of others and to follow the laws of our country which are there to keep us all safe. Each class is working on one of the values currently to embed the knowledge.
The My Happy Mind program is going well across school with many children talking about having an attitude for gratitude and their hippocampus'. We have sent out information for parents this week so you can become involved too. By downloading the app (free of charge) parents and carers can become involved in this program you can benefit from the mindful activities and resources that are available to use at home.
The next PINS parental engagement meeting is scheduled to take place at Burton Green Academy on Monday 10th February at 8.45. A letter has been emailed to all parents and carers this week. Please feel free to drop in to discuss any concerns regarding special educational needs or disability - no diagnosis is needed.
Wishing you all a peaceful weekend.
17th January 2025
It has been a busy but productive week across school. Children are focussed and engaged in their learning in every class.
We are delighted to announce that Burton Green Academy has successfully completed the first stage of the UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting Schools Award. We have been awarded a Bronze award currently, but work has already begun to achieve the silver award - a huge thank you to Mrs Wilcox for leading this work across school.
This week WOWs, OWs and NOWs has been launched in assembly, it is connected to understanding our spirituality, the events that make us all unique and special people - children are welcome to bring any picture into school to represent any aspects they feel have impacted and shaped them so far. You may wish to discuss WOWs, OWs and NOWs with your children at home to see if they can think of any events that have had an impact either positively or negatively.
A Burton Green parish council representative came into school to meet with the school council on Monday. It was a fact-finding meeting to collect children's views on the redesign of the play park off Red Lane. We will keep you informed as to when this will happen once we know.
Wishing you all peaceful weekend.
10th January 2025
Happy New Year to you all, let's hope 2025 is a kind year for the whole Burton Green Community. Once again staff and I would like to thank you for the generous gifts we received.
Monday began with a teacher training day for school staff. We completed external training from Warwickshire Send Team on Demand Avoidance (PDA), followed by online training in PREVENT and subject leadership time - it was a very busy day.
It was lovely to see all the children return on Tuesday with smiles and enthusiasm. School has been a calm and productive environment with children engrossed in learning in each and every class this week.
The My Happy Mind program has already begun in each class, this also compliments the new 'Spirituality' work that we are embarking upon this term. I hope your children begin to discuss Ows, Wows and Nows with you at home in the next couple of weeks.
Wishing you all a peaceful weekend.