Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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Welcome to our Class Pages!



Please note: 

In case of emergencies, please contact Mr Morris on 

07562 911390 (work mobile).


If you have a general enquiry you may also email Mr Nailor Or Miss Villiers:


Should you have a science specific enquiry please contact Miss Lucking:



If your enquiry is EYFS based (early years), please contact Mrs East:



Thank you for your kindness and patience,


The Burton Green Team :)



Reading Corner


Reading is a great escape and can transport you to so many exciting places! It is especially so important at this very strange time as books can take you on amazing adventures without even leaving your home. Non-fiction books are a way to access a wonderful source of information and help you to learn new things about topics that interest you! One thing we would really like to encourage while you are away from school, or even if you're attending school at the moment, is to keep reading every day. You may have read all your school books but there are plenty of resources online to keep you reading. Enjoy sharing stories together, discover new authors, revisit books you've read before, relax and listen to stories online and most of all - enjoy reading! We'd love to read your book reviews so please do share them with us. You might just inspire someone to start reading your favourite book!


Enjoy your reading adventures! From Mrs Carroll


Share your work with us!

Should your child wish to share their artwork, pictures or any other work they have been completing please follow the link below, login using the email address and upload your document. (You must answer the questions before you do this).


Email address (not case sensitive):            home@greenleek.covmat.org

Password:                                                   GreenLeek1






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