Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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Cedar (Years 2 and 3)

Welcome to Cedar Class!

Welcome to Cedar's class page. This is the next step your child will take on their learning journey. In years 2 and 3, your child will be encouraged and supported in developing the key skills that they have secured throughout Maple class. Mr Nailor and Mrs Hind have been working together in Cedar class for 3 years now and they are dedicated in creating happy learners who pursue life in all it's fullness. 

Year 2
As children enter year 2 they are supported on the next step of their learning journey, developing an increased independence and confidence in learning and life skills. The children are beginning to tackle more abstract problems throughout their maths work as well as a more thorough look into literature and a variety of genres in their literacy.


Year 3
In year 3 we aim to develop on the foundations firmly set in year 2. Children will have increasing responsibility including job roles and changing their own books to name a few. We really get a sense of children belonging as they reach year 3. We believe that having a good relationship with the teacher and learning assistant is key for children developing a sense of who they are and who they want to be.   

We tackle a range of topics in Cedar class across a two year rolling programme.

Year A
- Castle Siege!
- An Island Home
- Volcanoes
- Beside the Seaside
- Seaside Rescue

Year B

- Hero or Villain? 
- Fire! Fire!
- Anglo-Saxons
- Vikings
- The Great Plant Hunt
- Hot and Cold: Africa 

Cedar Class

Paul Klee Castle in the Sun

Computing Algorithms

The children have recently started their new topic following the new Teach Computing scheme. We have been looking at algorithm. The children pretended to be robots and code each other to complete tasks like following this maze (unplugged).

Road Safety workshop

Today the children have had a visit from WCC Road safety team. They have taught us all about how to be safe on our scooters and crossing the road. 

YEAR 2- Learning games/ Useful links


YEAR 3- Learning games/ Useful links


Other links...
