Burton Green Academy Newsletter 8th November 2023
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to another busy half term at school. I hope you had an enjoyable half term and you managed to enjoy some quality family time together.
As we have come back to school it has been lovely seeing the children settle quickly back into their routines and continue building on the firm foundations of learning that they started the term with.
It has been lovely to see the hard work the children in Damson class have put into their history work and I know they will be looking forward to their forthcoming trip to the Black Country Museum.
On Thursday we will be enjoying one of our Dance Days which this term will have the focus of Diwali. I know the children will once again enjoy this special experience.
This Friday there won’t be a celebration assembly as within school we will having our Remembrance Assembly as we remember those who fought and lost their lives in the many wars.
Maple Class:
We have really enjoyed learning about Diwali festival this week and are looking forward to our dance workshop on Thursday! We have created some fantastic rangoli and mehndi patterns. We have also enjoyed our new story ‘Whatever Next!’ to start our Space topic.
Cedar Class:
This week Cedar has enjoyed starting their new topic ‘An Island Home’, starting to learn about the 4 nations of the UK. In maths, year 2’s have been focussing on direction and enjoyed directing each other around the playground accurately, while year 3’s have been perfecting their measuring skills. In Literacy, we have been recounting our Warwick Castle trip, perfecting our skills in setting, and emotion in the text.
Damson Class:
This week the children have settled back in well with a too many spaces and new topics to learn. In maths we have been reviewing decimals (e.g. 0.1, 0.2) and rounding these numbers to the nearest whole number. In addition, we have been continuing our topic and focusing more on Victorian life and what it was like. This will also be enhanced by our trip to the Black Country Living Museum.
Oak Class:
We have had a busy start back to this half term which started with progress assessments. In maths we have been calculating area and perimeter of compound shapes and in English we have been writing persuasively connected to our topic work on World War II. We have also started our protective behaviours work in PSHE.
In RE we have begun our unit by considering places that we regard as special, places where we can reflect and think.