Burton Green Academy Newsletter 8th January 2020
It was so lovely to welcome all of the children back to school this week and to hear about their exciting Christmas holidays. It has been a nice time to talk through new starts, resolutions and also how you sometimes need to work really hard at something to become good. Miss V talked about our acts of kindness tree where we are going to create leaves to represent our acts of kindness and our New Year resolutions.
I look forward to a very exciting and busy term. We have an exciting event next week as some of our year 5 and 6 children will be attending the Young Voices event at Birmingham. A chance for them to enjoy being part of the largest children’s choir in the country and to sing with some famous faces. I hope you all have a lovely weekend when it arrives.
Class Highlights of the Week:
Maple Class:
We’ve had an exciting start back as a mysterious egg has appeared in our classroom! We have been making predictions about what might be inside it and are taking care of it to see if it will hatch. We will let you know what it is when we find out!
Cedar Class:
This week the children have settled in really well after a well-deserved break. We have enjoyed starting our Volcano topic and using Atlases to find the highest mountains as well as labelling the 7 continents of the world.
Damson Class:
We have been reading short mystery stories and using features from these to improve our own fiction writing. Also, In R.E we have been looking at different places of worship and why they exist.
Oak Class:
Everyone has come back refreshed and ready to work. We have begun our Harry Potter unit in Literacy and we are starting our new topic on the ancient Maya today. I am pleased to see that most children did do a lot of reading over the holidays.