Burton Green Academy Newsletter 4th May 2022
Dear Parents,
I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and managed to have some special time as a family.
As this term progresses it is clear how many things we are trying to fit in. Next week is a time when our year 6 children will get a chance to show what they have learnt over the past 4 years in key stage 2. I know you will join me to wish them well as they show what great students they are.
I would like to thank Mrs T and Mrs Waite for again stepping up within breakfast club to provide a hearty breakfast to start the day. I’m sure this will really inspire our year 6 children and make the rest of us hungry!
You will have been notified about athletics trials that are taking place at Edmonscote track next Thursday. We always try to give as many children as possible this experience, but invariably there are always children that are disappointed. I know the children will all do us proud as they show the much bigger schools what we have to offer at Burton Green.
This Friday we will be having an assembly by the Dog’s Trust, so the certificates listed this week will be given out next week.
I hope you have an enjoyable weekend and the sunny weather comes back!
Maple Class:
We are really enjoying our new story this week – The Hundred Decker Bus. We have been very imaginative and designed what we would make as a deck on the bus. We’ve had a swimming pool, a zoo deck, a funfair and many more super ideas! In Maths we have been revisiting number bonds and we have been exploring material properties in Science.
Cedar Class:
We have enjoyed learning about the oceans of the world and identifying the countries of the UK. The children really got into fractions and finding fractions of amounts in year 2 and finding tenths in year 3. In addition, we have been reading Sinbad the Sailor and about his voyages. We have been comparing this to other traditional tales.
SATs are just around the corner for us in Year 2 and the children have been working extremely hard. We are reminding the children how resilient they are and that this is a fantastic opportunity for them to show us what they have!
Damson Class
This week in Damson Class we have been working on coordinates in Maths and writing persuasive songs in Literacy. In addition to this we have enjoyed learning about photo editing in ICT.
Oak Class:
This week we have been having a final revision push in preparation for our SAT’s tests next week. Everyone has been working extremely hard across all subject areas. Aside from revision, we have also been writing balanced arguments regarding graffiti, sketching sea shells, and learning how coastal features are formed.