Burton Green Academy Newsletter 334 12th June
Dear Parents,
It is so lovely to have our year 6 children back in school with lovely beaming smiles after their week of adventure.
A huge thank you to Miss V and Mrs T who supported the children to try everything and have a wonderful time.
I was so pleased to hear some of the stories from the children and see their eyes light up as they told me J
I was delighted last week to meet some of our new pupils and their parents who will be joining us in September. It is so lovely to meet new people who will be becoming part of our Burton Green family.
This week our year 4 children have been completing their times table check and our year 1 children have been working on their phonics screening check. Well done to all of them! It isn’t easy, but they are really putting their ‘all’ into doing their very best.
On Friday we will be once again ‘Reaching for the Stars’ and I look forward to seeing you there.
Maple Class:
This week we are continuing to enjoy the ‘Oi Frog!’ series of books and have read: Oi Dog, Oi Cat and Oi Puppies! We have found these books very funny, and they are helping us to think of words that rhyme. Can you challenge your child at home to find something that rhymes with....... (e.g. cat, dog, bee, hen)? In maths, we are exploring place value and have been identifying missing numbers on a number line and hundred square as Mrs Carroll keeps pinching them!
Cedar Class:
This week Cedar have begun reading Sinbad the Sailor and used our literacy skills to write a character description, and have also been practicing the 54321 technique to help with their setting descriptions. Year 3’s have been showing great effort in maths, working on grid multiplications, working with some very tricky numbers, while year 2’s are recapping their addition skills with 2 2-digit numbers. Cedar have been further developing their IT skills, looking at programming sequences on Scratch Jr.
Damson Class:
The children have done excellently accessing their termly assessments and have all demonstrated a brilliant GROWTH mindset in order to persevere. In addition, we have continued to look at Ancient Greek clothing and life identifying the purpose of clothing and relating to the climate in Greece.
Oak Class:
This week in Oak Class we have been working to plan and cost out our enterprise project stalls. We have also begun to create a memory book of our time in the Isle of Wight. As well as this we have begun to learn lines for our end of school show – I'm an eleven-year-old get me out of here!