Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 328 24th April

Dear Parents,
It has been another very busy week and it has been lovely to see how focused the children have been throughout the school.

I spent a little bit of time in Oak class at the end of last week and it was wonderful to see how focused they were on their own learning and ensuring their work was of the highest standard.  Their questions and knowledge on coastal erosion certainly challenged me!


This evening, we are looking forward to seeing our year 6 children and parents as we prepare for our upcoming, residential to the Isle of Wight.  It is a wonderful experience and lovely to see all of the year 6 children in one room and ready for an adventure together!

It is nice that the weather is slowly starting to improve, and I hope you have some special family time planned for the weekend.

I looked forward to ‘Reaching for the stars’ during our celebration assembly on Friday.

Maple Class: 
We have really enjoyed our new story this week – The Hundred Decker Bus. We have been busy creating our own new decks to add to the bus, including a soft play, an ice cream parlour and even a spa! In maths, we have been exploring more and less. Reception have been finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number and Year One have been finding 10 more and 10 less. We have also started our ‘Plants’ unit in Science and have been exploring the different plants that grow around our school.

Cedar Class:
We have really enjoyed writing out fairy tale style stories and have used some super Wow Words to uplevel our work. We are reviewing our fractions knowledge in Maths, and in Art are using charcoal to create a dramatic sea-scape. Cedar have also particularly enjoyed continuing to learn about Bob Marley and practicing ‘Three Little Birds’ in their music sessions. Year 3’s did so well completing their magnets unit, ending with looking at the magnetic field of our earth, while Year 2’s are continuing to learn all about plants and what they need.

Damson Class:
This week the children in year 5 have been learning about growing up and getting older. The have been very mature and contributed to some fantastic discussions in our science learning. In addition, all the children have been researching Alexander the Great and his Role in Ancient Greece, as well as discussing what evidence we have. Well done all around!

Oak Class:
This week in Oak Class we have started our revision sessions in maths and English – ahead of our SAT’s in three weeks. In RE we have been considering how it feels to be included. In our Geography unit we have learnt how coastline features are formed. We are all enjoying our class text ‘The Fastest Boy in the World.’ 
