Burton Green Academy Newsletter 326 10th April
Dear Parents,
Welcome back after what I hope has been an enjoyable Easter break for all. I am hopeful that the weather begins to realise that we are in the summer term!
I’m sure that you don’t need reminding that we are quickly approaching end of Key Stage Assessment in Year 6. Teacher Assessments take place throughout May for Year 2 and it is important that the children are in school every day to enable us to group them most appropriately. Year 6 SATS week begins Monday 13th May.
I hope you have a good rest of the week, there is no Celebration Assembly this week, but I look forward to celebrating with you next week when we again ‘Reach for the Stars’.
Maple Class:
It is lovely being back and hearing about all of the exciting things the children did over the Easter holidays. We have kick started our
‘Transport: Then and Now’ topic and have been sharing our favourite vehicles and why we like them. In maths, we have been using our super
counting on and back skills to add and subtract.
Cedar Class:
Cedar loved sharing their experiences following recipes over the half term, and asked great questions to find out more from their peers. In
Maths we have been looking at converting measurements in year 3, and counting in different jumps in year 2. We have started our
topic ‘Beside the Seaside’ and children have loved hearing stories from class-mates about seaside trips.
Damson Class:
This week in Damson we have begun our Greek Topic. Within this unit we will be exploring artwork, the History and culture of Greeks.
Moreover, we have just began reading the Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. This is a brilliant, fantastically warm-hearted book from which I
hope we will be able to produce some brilliant writing.
Oak Class:
It is nice being back in school and hearing about all the fabulous things our children got up to in the Easter holidays. This week we have started a new text ‘The Fastest Boy in the World’ by Elizabeth Laird in our reading sessions and we are working on creating balanced arguments in our English lessons. In maths we have been reflecting shapes and revising angles. This is a busy term but the whole class have come back
ready to learn which is a fantastic start.