Burton Green Academy Newsletter 31st January 2024
Dear Parents,
We have had a busy start/end of last week with some fantastic learning within Cedar class with the children busily preparing wonderful ideas and writing for letters to illustrators!
As I looked in Damson class this week, I saw them wrestling with some challenging mathematics (and winning!) and creating some wonderful work on their topic for this term.
We are looking forward to sharing this wonderful work at our parent consultations next week.
Within our collective worships we have been thinking about courage. This week we have looked at the selfish crocodile and how the mouse needed to be brave to help him. We linked to the story from the bible about how Jesus befriended the tax collector.
I look forward to seeing you in assembly this week when we will once again be celebrating the children’s amazing achievements and ‘Reaching for the Stars’.
Have a great weekend when it finally comes.
Maple Class:
We have been learning all about 3D shapes in maths. We have named them and explored the faces on the shapes (cube/cuboid/cone/pyramid/cylinder/sphere). We have also looked for 3D shapes in our classroom and outdoor area (sphere – ball, marble/ cylinder – glue stick) – I wonder if you can spot any at home? We are finished our non-fiction unit by creating some fantastic dinosaur posters in English.
Cedar Class:
This week Cedar have been continuing with their Topic learning on volcanoes, creating some brilliant 3D volcano sculptures. In Maths, the children really enjoyed coming up with their own questions and collecting data from their classmates which they then turned into colourful bar charts. In RE we've begun looking at Easter, starting with lent - there have been lots of interesting ideas on what they may give up for lent this year!
Damson Class:
This week Damson Class have been designing a rainforest diorama. This will be embedding all the knowledge we have developed about the layers of the rainforest as well as the animals that live in each section. In addition, children have been preparing to write a ‘Short’ story which could hopefully go in our book.
Oak Class:
In Oak Class we have been comparing different detective characteristics and styles as well as creating a detective character of our own. In maths we have been calculating angles of shapes and learning how to draw and measure a circle with compass. In PSHE we have considered the merits of being a ‘Bucket Filler’ in life rather than being a ‘Bucket Dipper’ - ask your children about this to see what you are!