Burton Green Academy Newsletter 30th March 2022
Dear Parents,
It was so lovely to see so many of you at our Mother’s Day celebration on Friday. It was so special to see the children performing to a ‘live’ audience and the pure love that was in the room as they talked about their mother figures who care and look after them.
This week has continued to be a hive of activity, as I have got the chance to hear Damson class busily rehearsing for the Easter play, whilst taking part in their Bikeability training in the same week (not at the same time!).
I do genuinely feel that the challenging work and enthusiasm that the children and staff put into everything they do - could easily run a small country!
I apologise that we have needed to change the date of the Easter Play from next Wednesday to next Thursday. Damson parents are invited to come into school to enjoy the play on this morning.
I look forward to seeing you when we celebrate the children’s achievements on Friday when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.
Maple Class:
This week in Maple we have enjoyed reading ‘The Queen’s Hat’ by Steve Antony. We have been retelling the story and creating some London landmarks with junk modelling. We have also started our unit on instructions and have been writing instructions to help the Queen. In Wellie Wednesday we have been planning how we can attract more wildlife to our outdoor area. We have started to construct some great minibeast homes.
Cedar Class:
This week Cedar class have begun to design their Roman Mosaic ready to create our coasters. We will be further learning the importance of mosaics and how in Ancient Rome they were able to tell stories. In addition, the Year 2s have been stepping it up a gear in maths having a really good go at a few SATs style questions to give them a little confidence going into the assessments in May. Year 3s have been investigating number and in particular palindromic numbers.
Damson Class
This week in Damson Class, we have been enjoying a wordless book in Literacy called ‘Tuesday’ by David Weisner. We have had to look closely at the illustrations to draw inferences - a skill we are working on. In maths, we have been looking at place value in larger numbers and decimals. We are also busy rehearsing for our upcoming Easter performance too.
Oak Class:
This week we have been revising numerous areas of maths – using past papers to guide us. We have also been researching famous graffiti artists and writing biographies based on our research.
We are also covering the final grammar terms in grammar in preparation for our SAT’s and to use in our written work.
In our topic work we listened to and retold the Maya mythical story of the creation of chocolate.