Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 29th September 2021

Dear Parents,
It has been lovely seeing the children’s work on recycling and being environmentally friendly that they have been producing this week.  The children are so keen and this is an area (as a school) we are wanting to encourage and support.  I am looking forward to meeting our ‘Eco Warriers’ this week to discuss our strategy!


We are busy planning for our DT day, that is coming up soon, where we are looking at developing the textile skills of the children.  I’m sure they are going to produce some amazing things that you will enjoy displaying at home.


Our church youth worker today continued her theme of ‘Respect’ and it was good to hear about what the children had done to show respect since the last time they met.  Their challenge this week is to think about how they treat people, who they perceive are ‘different’ and do they make them feel welcome and care for them.  Hopefully these assemblies will enable them to be as inclusive as possible to everybody they meet and to embrace new and diverse friendships.


I look forward to celebrating the children’s with you at our celebration assembly.

Maple Class:

This week in Maple Class we are learning about ‘Real Superheroes’ - the people who help us every day. We have been describing them and thinking about ways we can say thank you. We have also been thinking about how to be more environmentally friendly and have been finding out about different ways to reuse and recycle. 

Cedar Class:

This week Cedar class have been learning how to be environmentally friendly. I wonder if at home they will use some of those strategies they have learnt to look after their own environment. 


Damson Class:

This week in Damson Class we have been researching ways to save energy in school and at home. We used what we learnt, to make and design eye catching posters for a display to educate others. In numeracy we are learning about 12 & 24hr clock times and in literacy we are writing newspaper reports.


Oak Class:

This week in Oak Class we have been sitting our baseline assessment SAT papers so we can see what we are working towards at the end of year 6. We have also created symbols which represent us individually - in RE and we have created posters to show what things we can compost in PSHE.
