Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 28th June 2023

Dear Parents,
We have had a busy week preparing for our Summer Fayre this Friday evening.  We hope that as many of you as possible can join us for this exciting event (6-8pm). 


I have had the chance this week to enjoy watching the children in Damson class extend their learning in co-ordinates and was really impressed with the pictogram work in Maple class.


In Maple class I also got to see how well they are doing in their phonics learning. They are so fast at doing this now that they are almost as fast as the teachers! Wow, keep it up! 


I look forward to seeing you on Friday when we will once again ‘Reach for the Stars’. I hope we can all have a restful (and dry) weekend and lots of fun at the fayre on Friday evening!


Maple Class: 
We have been superstars the past two weeks at welcoming our new reception children into school during their settling in visits! We have started our new literacy unit - ‘Letters and Postcards’ and have been looking at when they might be sent. In maths we are exploring time and we are also collecting information using pictograms!


Cedar Class
This week the year 3s have been looking at shapes and lines; parallel, perpendicular and also perimeter. Year 2s have been focused on ordering numbers. Cedar have also been reading stories from the past, like Flat Stanley and Madeline. The children have really enjoyed learning about these stories and looking at our Grammar work surrounding these topics.

Damson Class:
In Damson Class we have been reading and plotting coordinates of polygons in Maths. Whilst in Literacy we have been reading African folklore stories and deciphering their hidden messages. We are also learning more about the evolution in design of the Egyptian pyramids.

Oak Class:
This week we have had a visit from the school nurses for a session about ‘Emotional Wellbeing and Healthy Eating’. We have been finalising our enterprise projects and creating our advertising posters as well as learning to consider the difference between Needs Vs Wants. We have also learnt about how banks make their money what we should consider when choosing an account. In english we have written concise messages relating to our text – Kensuke's Kingdom.
