Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 25th October 2023

Dear Parents,
It has been another busy week with the children enjoying their learning and working hard for our Harvest Festival on Friday.

It has been lovely seeing all of you at parent consultations this week.  A lovely time to share your children’s successes and to look forward to their new targets and challenges in their next area of learning.

Looking back over the half term (it has been a long one) it is lovely to see the progress all of the children have made and to look forward to a very busy (but fun!) next half term.

I look forward to seeing you at the Harvest Festival on Friday and I hope you have a wonderful half term when it finally arrives.

Maple Class: 
Our ‘Laying of Stones’ assembly this week was a very special celebration, and it was lovely to welcome the reception children and children new to year 1 into our school community. In English, we have been performing poems and are also planning our own new verse to add into the poem ‘Down behind the Dustbins’ by Michael Rosen. In maths, we have been exploring teen numbers and we have been learning all about keeping our teeth healthy in Science. We hope you all have a lovely half term!

Cedar Class:
This week Cedar have been finishing off their poetry unit, and putting all of the skills from the last few weeks into practice. In maths we have been working on tricky number bonds to 100, as well as adding 11/12/21/22 to 2-digit numbers. In topic we have been reliving our Warwick Castle visit, and summarising all of our knowledge we learnt this term.

Damson Class:
This week Damson Class have been really thinking about what it was like to be a child in Victorian England. We have learnt about the 1870 Education act and the subsequent bills that followed to make it compulsory for children to attend education in England and Wales. Furthermore, the children have worked excellently on their fractions, simplifying and even ordering them. 

Oak Class:
This week in maths we have been calculating using long multiplication and negative numbers. In English we have been writing persuasively to convince people to buy and action things as we would like – Year Six are good at this! 
We all enjoyed taking part in the Laying of Stones Assembly – supporting our Buddies as they laid their stones, signifying their place in our school community.
We have all taken part in our first cross-country practice in PE. We also showed our class dance routines to Damson Class.
A busy half term, we are all looking forwards to our half term break. 
