Burton Green Academy Newsletter 21st October 2020
It has been a busy week with the children busily continuing their learning in preparation for our parent consultations this week.
Whilst it is sad that we haven’t been able to see you all in school, it has been nice to hear the teachers talking about the positive meetings that have taken place over the last 2 days.
Reflecting back over this half term it has been so lovely to have had all of the children back in school enjoying their learning and enjoying time with their friends. The parent consultations have given us as a school, a time to reflect and talk through not only the children’s academic progress, but the way they have all adjusted to the changes within the school. I am so pleased with everything that has been achieved this half term and hope that you enjoy a lovely half term break.
It was fantastic to share the experience of our ‘new children’ laying their stones in our Peace Garden today. I am always touched by how special and important this service is to the children in school. This will be shared with everybody later in the week.
Maple Class:
This week we are reading 'The Little Red Hen' and have been thinking about the characters choices in the story. We have been retelling it and thought about how we would help the Little Red Hen if we were a character in the story. In maths we have been problem solving and we have been sorting different types of animals in Science.
Cedar Class:
We have enjoyed sketching Queen Elizabeth this week focusing on proportions of features on the face. We have also been problem solving in maths and reading the famous Owl and the Pussycat in literacy.
Damson Class:
This week we have been looking at the features of instructional and explanation texts in literacy.
In our topic work, we have been researching Star Carr in Yorkshire as a Mesolithic site. Also, we have been revisiting our happiness boxes and considering if we want to add any extra pieces to them.
Oak Class:
We have been busy calculating multiplication problems using both grid and short methods in numeracy. In literacy we have been studying the features of non-chronological reports. In our topic work we have created information leaflets to show how we can apply these features independently in our own work. We have also selected a C******** script (I did not want to be the first to write the word that should not be mentioned until December). A busy half term and well deserved rest has been earned by all.