Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 21st June 2023

Dear Parents,
It has been another busy week with some heavy showers in between the sunshine!


Within school we are busily working within class and also our PTFA are busily preparing for our Summer Fayre on Friday 30th June. We are looking forward to welcoming you all in on that evening and are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather (without the showers). 


If you are keen to volunteer, please contact the office and they will put you in contact with one of our PTFA team. 


Last week was exciting as Damson and Oak classes attended Alive Praise 2023.  It was a fantastic event, although I do feel our ears were ‘ringing’ from the enthusiasm and noise!


This week we got to meet some of our new reception children and we will meet more of them over the coming weeks. There was a fantastic atmosphere in the classroom and I’m so proud of how the children in Maple class welcomed their new friends and showed them the routines and demonstrated great friendship.


We have lots going on over the following weeks so please keep reading the newsletter, emails and our texts to ensure you don’t miss out on anything! 


You can also subscribe to the School Calendar so that you can have all the events in your Phone calendar. 


I look forward to seeing you on Friday when we will once again ‘Reach for the Stars’. I hope we can all have a restful (and dry) weekend

Maple Class: 
This week, we are busy writing our own pirate adventure stories! We have planned out the events so far and have been using great expression to retell it. In maths, we are exploring odd and even numbers and are also practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have also been helping some of the new reception children to get to know our classroom. 

Cedar Class
This week the children have really enjoyed finalising our Africa topic whereby we made rain sticks. In addition, we revisited our work on African patterns to include in our designs. In maths, Year 3s have been focusing on dividing by chunking and Year 2s have been revisiting addition using two and even some three-digit numbers.

Damson Class:
In Damson Class this week, we have been continuing work on decimals, percentages and fractions in Maths. Whilst in Literacy we are learning more about Africa – this also supports our topic work on Egypt. We have also been learning more about Howard Carter’s role in finding the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Oak Class:
This week we been busy finalising our enterprise plans, we have also started to work on our parts for the year 6 end of school production as well as taking part in a road safety session ‘Impulse’ and a breakfast treat at Hickory’s for working hard in our SAT’s. 
