Burton Green Academy Newsletter 21st February 2024
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to another busy half term, I hope you managed to enjoy some quality family time together during half term.
I am sure many of you will have spotted the additional building that is by the school hall. We are delighted to say that our meals are now cooked onsite by our cook Sara. We have received really positive feedback from the children who are enjoying the fantastic meals that Sara is cooking and we looked forward to enjoying many more!
There is a real buzz of excitement from our year 5 children who are looking forward to their residential this Thursday and Friday. It is a great opportunity for the children to challenge themselves and enjoy overcoming their fears and conquering challenges.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that the weather improves for them!
I look forward to seeing some of you on Friday when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’. I hope you have a wonderful weekend when it finally comes!
Maple Class:
This week, we have started our ‘Traditional Tales’ unit in English and have enjoyed reading ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. We have explored different versions of the story and have sequenced pictures to retell it too. In maths, we have been learning all about odd and even numbers.
Cedar Class:
This week Cedar have been working really hard on their times tables, Year 3’s have been focussing on 8’s, while Year 2’s are looking at 2, 3, 4, and 5’s. In literacy we have been working on editing and improving writing. Using adjectives, adverbs, and wow words to make simple sentences interesting and exciting. Year 3’s have been continuing to investigate shadows in science, while Year 2’s have been starting to learn about living things and their habitats.
Damson Class:
Year 4 children will be undertaking a project on rainforests and what we can do to look after these places in our world. During this time, Damson will be taking an overnight trip to the pioneer centre, undertaking some fantastic activities! Year 5 certificates will be distributed next week.
Oak Class:
This week in Oak Class we have been calculating using long division in our maths work, in our Ancient Maya history topic we have learned about the game ‘Pok-a-Toc' which was played sometimes with success resulting in human sacrifice! It has also been a week of mid-term progress assessments.