Burton Green Academy Newsletter 18th November 2020
It has been a busy week once again with some lovely activities that the children have been enjoying.
It has been lovely to see and hear about the worms and creatures that Maple have been finding out about and to also see Damson busily going out into the school grounds with Mrs T to plant some wonderful trees/plants. They did get a little wet, but the smiles seemed to indicate it was all worthwhile!
You will notice that this week we have sent out a permission slip for filming the school performance this year. If you could complete and return this form as soon as possible, that would be greatly appreciated.
Please continue to take extra care when parking at the end and start of the school day. I recognise that parking remains an issue, but child safety has to be the key priority.
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week and I look forwarding to celebrating ‘virtually’ with you at the end of the week.
Maple Class:
This week we are going on adventures with Superworm and are creating our own super-bug characters! We are also creating our own adventure stories for Superworm and are learning to compare and measure different lengths and heights in maths. We are also decorating the Diva lamps we made with clay last week when learning about Diwali!
Cedar Class:
The children have been creating super newspapers which have related to The Great Fire of London. They have researched and followed the format really well. In addition, fractions have been our focus in year 3. We are beginning to find fractions of whole numbers whilst beginning to only recognise fractions in year 2.
Damson Class:
This week we have been busy completing our baseline assessments. Also, we have been making our own paints for our Stone Age artwork and as well as this we have been very busy planting 30 hedge saplings from the Woodland Trust.
Oak Class:
Oak Class we have been analysing instruction texts - ordering, creating, following and using appropriate punctuation and grammar (bullet points, imperative verbs etc). In maths we had a busy week covering fractions. We are working hard to learn our lines for the Christmas Production.