Burton Green Academy Newsletter 17th March 2021
I can’t believe that we are already on the second full week. The time is flying by as we continue to enjoy having the children back in school. As a quick reminder could I ask that you send your child in with a coat every day and ensure their water bottle is freshly filled each morning.
I apologise that we are needing to restrict parents access to school. If there is an issue that you want to discuss with your child’s class teacher, please contact the office and they will relay this.
If we can ask that you continue to support us by reading with your child each evening and talk through the books they are reading. We have noticed that the lockdown has had a big impact on reading comprehension as this is an area that was difficult to continue to develop (especially for younger children) remotely.
This Friday is also ‘Red Nose’ Day and we would like the children to come to school in their own clothes with ‘Crazy’ Hair and pay a donation to Comic Relief. This year, we have setup a just giving page for this to try and reduce the money coming into school, so if possible we would appreciate donations are made here https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/burtongreen
Please always inform us of why your child is absent as this allows us to keep the community as safe as we can.
I look forward to seeing you virtually at our celebration assembly on Friday.
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the spring weather!
Maple Class:
We are really enjoying being back in Maple Class together and all of the staff are so proud of how well the children are settling back into school! We have been completing lots of activities with our friends and have been thinking about how to be kind to one another. We are also exploring old and new toys for our 'Toys' topic.
Cedar Class:
We have enjoyed this week learning all about our minds and how we can demonstrate a growth mindset. The children have enjoyed the activities about pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone to be able to learn. In addition, we have just started to read all about Otto the Book Bear in literacy, which we have especially enjoyed.
Damson Class:
This week we have begun using software to create and edit sounds in preparation for making our own radio program / podcast. Also, we have been looking at the features of narrative writing and thinking about how to improve our sentence structures.
Oak Class:
This week we have all enjoyed being back together, spending time with friends and being back in school. We have been able to use equipment to complete maths that we couldn’t do at home (compass and protractors). We have been able to use paints other creative equipment - we like making our Mother’s Day treats too.