Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 15th November 2023

Dear Parents,
Last week finished with our remembrance assembly on Friday. We enjoyed an opportunity to talk about the act of remembrance and what it means to us all.

I was very impressed with how the children marked the two minutes silence. As a school it has also been lovely seeing our year 6 children selling the Poppies around school every day and setting such a lovely example to the younger children.

This week we have been thinking about anti- bullying week and the children have been completing work to help them think about what it feels like to be bullied and how we can stop this together.

A reminder that it is ‘Children in Need’ on Friday, so we look forward to seeing the children in their pjs and parents are able to donate to Children in Need via our BGA Just Giving page!

I look forward to seeing you on Friday when we can once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.  I hope you have a lovely weekend, when it finally arrives

Maple Class: 
This week we have been celebrating how we are all unique and special as part of ‘Anti-Bulling Week’. We have explored the story ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’ and have discussed how we can be a bucket filler, through showing kindness to others, and not a bucket dipper. We have also explored ways we can be a good friend to others. In maths, we are learning all about number bonds. Reception have focussed on ways we can make 5 and Year 1 are working with number bonds to 10. 

Cedar Class:
Cedar have really enjoyed focussing on Acts of Kindness this week as part of ‘Anti-Bullying Week’, we have discussed ways in which we can fill peoples happiness buckets and brighten their day. We have also started our new Topic of ‘An Island Home’, and they have loved learning all about Wales. In Maths year 2’s have been investigating direction, whereas year 3’s have been practicing their measuring skills. In English we have linked our learning to Anti-Bullying week with focussing on stories about anger.

Damson Class:
This week has been brilliant in Damson Class, looking forward to our class trip, keeping our fingers crossed for the weather! The children have had the pleasure of building their knowledge of Victorian Schools, looking at old Burton Green Log Books to observe the reason for absences and punishment, as well as what general school life was like. In addition, I am aware that homework was tricky this week and long division is something we will continue to focus on in the coming weeks. This week, the maths homework is limited and will focus on concepts from the weeks learning. I will be running a Homework Help Session every Monday Lunchtime (first 10 minutes), only for those pupils who wish to join. This will not be a session for completing homework, rather going over already taught concepts. 

Oak Class:
In Oak class this week considered Acts of Kindness and what we could do to show kindness in school, at home and in the community. This was connected to the Anti-Bullying work in did. In maths we have made net shapes and started to understand how fractions are calculated – recognising numerators, denominators, mixed numbers and calculating with these. In English we are learning to understand non-chronological reports and we will be writing in this style to supplement out World War II work on rationing. We are also busy singing Carols ready to sing for the Burton Green Residents Christmas lunch.
