Burton Green Academy Newsletter 13th October 2021
Dear Parents,
It has been another busy week with the children enjoying their learning. I have had a lovely opportunity to look at some of the English books this week and it has been very special to see how the children are trying their hardest with their presentation and taking great care and pride in their work.
Next week we will be having our parent consultations which will once again be virtual. This will be a great opportunity to talk through how your child has settled into their new group and their targets for the term.
Many thanks for your continued support with all of the requests for getting PCR and LFD tests. This support is vital in keeping the school as safe as can be for the children, staff and the wider community.
I look forward to celebrating with you at our celebration assembly on Friday.
Maple Class:
This week we have been enjoying the story – Billy's Bucket. We have been using our imagination to share what we might see inside it! In maths, we are exploring 2D shapes and have been shape hunting around our school.
Cedar Class:
This week our harvest preparations have begun! The children have enjoyed learning about harvest as well as our story we are re-enacting, The Enormous Turnip. We will be creating some harvest art as well as a performance.
Damson Class:
In Damson Class this week, we have been writing stories in a classic fiction style in Literacy and in Maths we have been looking at fraction equivalents. We are also busy preparing for Harvest Celebration next week.
Oak Class:
This week in Oak Class we have been converting measures of length and mass and calculating time intervals in numeracy. In literacy we have analysed advertisements to assess persuasive devices and we created adverts of our own. We have also written using formal language.