Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 13th December 2023

Dear Parents,
The Christmas period continues with our plays this week and a rather excited school! It has been lovely seeing them rehearse and the excitement build.

It was lovely this week to enjoy time with Doodle Tea Party participants.  It was a lovely atmosphere and thanks to Mrs T for supporting and joining me in this celebration.

As we also reach the time of productions, I would like to take the time to talk to you about parking. Unfortunately, last year there seemed to be a number of parking issues, with drives being blocked and the road outside the school being almost impassable due to the sheer volume of cars parked.

Can I please ask that everybody is mindful of these parking difficulties and maybe makes arrangements to car share if possible (I know this is not always possible), allows enough time to park considerately and recognise they will parking a little distance away from the school.

Unfortunately, I do not have a magic wand (I did consider asking Father Christmas for one!) and I can’t solve these issues without your help. 


All I can do is to ask for your consideration and offer a reminder that it will be extremely busy. It would also be really useful if people can be aware that manoeuvring will be almost impossible so parking so you can leave the school without turning your car would be preferable as it is at these times of manoeuvring when children are at the most risk.


We have an incredibly busy last week of term to look forward to with parties, pantomime, Christmas Lunch as well as making of Christmas cards!

I look forward to reaching to the stars with you on Friday during our celebration assembly.

Maple Class: 
We have been very busy rehearsing our song and dance for the Christmas production and are really looking forward to showing you on Thursday! In maths, we have been focussing on money and have been learning about the value of different coins. We have also been learning to write recounts in English so Beegu can tell her friends all about her adventure on earth. 

Cedar Class:
Cedar have spent much of the week excitedly practicing for their Christmas Performance. Alongside their singing and dancing, they have been looking into how islands can be formed, and finding different examples. In English they have been collating all their non-fiction skills to create their own non-chronological report. In Maths we have been recapping our terms knowledge, focussing on tricky units (Yr 2 – Money, Yr 3 – Fractions). 

Damson Class:
This week Damson have been researching Mrs Beeton and her famous book. We have identified a recipe and will be planning and making our own scones this week. In addition, we have been revising the method of division by chunking. The children have been preparing well and cannot wait to share their Christmas performance with you.

Oak Class:
In Oak Class this week we have created mini model gardens with Anderson shelters – fitting in with our World War II theme. In maths we have had a quick revision session using division methods. In English we have written instructions connected to our DT day. We are also writing World War II song lyrics and using percussion instruments to perform these. 
