Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 12th October 2022

Dear Parents,
It has been another busy week where everybody has continued to work extremely hard.  I have seen the children across the school working hard to prepare for our Harvest festival which will be next Friday (21st October).


The highlight this week has been seeing our new children laying their stones in the Peace Garden.  It is always such a special occasion, but it has been made even more special this year as we were once again allowed to invite parents to share in this very special experience.


I look forward to seeing some of you on Friday at 9:10 when we once again celebrate the children’s achievements when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.

Maple Class: 
This week we have been busy practising our song for Harvest festival and have created some super pieces of artwork linked to Harvest! We have also been sharing our favourite things, linked to our literacy text this week - ‘Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly’. 

Cedar Class
This week, the children have welcomed our new arrivals brilliantly in our peace garden assembly. They laid their stones and became a part of our school. In addition, our computing work has been really interesting, looking at digital devices and what an input and output device is.

Damson Class:
In Damson Class this week, we are busy preparing for the Harvest Festival Assembly and enjoying our first ‘Warwickshire Sings’ session. 
Aside from this, in Maths we are looking at column methods to add and subtract. Whilst in Literacy, we are writing fables.

Oak Class:
This week we have been creating our own advertisements using persuasive devices in English. In maths we have been converting lengths and measures using multiplication and division calculations. In RE we have written harvest prayers and researched how harvest is celebrated in two other countries.
