Burton Green Academy Newsletter 5th October 2022
Dear Parents,
It was so lovely on the weekend displaying the children’s recycling work for the Eco Fayre in Kenilworth. The children were passionate about their ideas and making a difference and enjoyed sharing the ways in which we can all make a difference.
It is so lovely seeing the year 6 supporting their buddies in reception class. It is something that was greatly missed last year, and I know that both year 6 and reception benefit greatly from this partnership. Well done Oak class for being such great role models!
Parent consultation forms have come out this week for you to book an appointment to talk to your child’s teacher. We look forward to talking to you about their progress and all of the things they have achieved.
I look forward to celebrating with you all during our celebration assembly on Friday at 9:10 in the hall.
Have a wonderful weekend, when it finally arrives!
Maple Class:
This week in Maple Class we have been learning about 2D shapes. We have been on shape hunts around our classroom and outdoor area and have also been sorting the shapes by their properties. In literacy, we have created our own characters and have been exploring our senses in science!
Cedar Class
This week Cedar class have been learning about Harvest in America and the celebration of Thanksgiving. We have been thinking about the things that we’re thankful for and can’t wait
to show you in our harvest assembly at the end of term.
Damson Class:
This week in Literacy, we have been undertaking research on the tabla drum, so we can write our own information text. Whilst in Maths, we have been converting analogue and digital times to 12 and 24hr clock.
Oak Class:
This week we have been analysing war time advertisements, looking for examples of exaggeration and persuasion and exploring persuasive vocabulary. In maths we have been revising properties of triangles and calculating missing angles of shapes.