Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 3rd November 2021

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to another busy half term at school.  I hope you had an enjoyable half term and you managed to enjoy some quality family time together.


As we have come back to school it has been lovely seeing the children settle quickly back into their routines and continue building on the firm foundations of learning that they started the term with.


It has been lovely to see the hard work the children have put in and the strides that the children in Maple class have made.

Looking at how sensible they are sitting in assembly, lining up and behaving is just wonderful to see.


I look forward to once again celebrating the children’s achievements on Friday with you all as we once again Reach for the Stars.

Maple Class: 
This week in Maple Class we have started our new ‘Space’ topic and have been having a great time pretending to be astronauts in our new rocket role play area. We have also been learning about the celebration of Diwali and have been tasting different foods in science.

Cedar Class: 
This week Cedar class have started their new topic ‘an Island Home’. We have begun to read stories about Katie Morag and research what it’s like to live in Scotland compared to England and our local area.

Damson Class:
This week in Damson Class we are thinking about building resilience in our learning – trying to push through our work, even when we are finding it hard.  We have also learnt about the struggle the Victorians had on a wash day; we will be using this to write instructions in our literacy work.  In maths we are using our number knowledge to problem solve.

Oak Class: 
This week has seen a positive attitude towards our learning in Oak Class, everyone is settling down to tasks much more quickly and quietly. We have recapped on multiplication methods in numeracy and written persuasively in literacy, as well as designing stained glass windows in RE.
