Burton Green

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 2nd October 2019

Another week passes and we certainly start to feel the chill of Autumn. This week it has been again lovely seeing the children enjoying all their learning.  I was so impressed when I visited Maple class with all the learning they have been completing and how confident all of our reception children are now.  I forgot to say last week about the lovely work that year 2 Cedar children has been doing on their ‘Egg Crash helmets’.  A great topic and lots of smiley faces as they told me about how their egg was going to be protected.
Tomorrow Oak class are looking forward to going to the Coventry Motor Museum and Herbert Art Gallery.  I’m sure they will have a fantastic time as they meet up with Wise class from All Saints’.
We are fast approaching the Green Leek 10k which is happening on the 13th October.  If you think there is anything that you could help with, please volunteer!  If you are not able to help then please come along to the finish line where there will be a great atmosphere.
On a last note I must thank you for all of your support for the MacMillan Coffee morning that we ran in memory of Mrs Watts last week.  We managed to raise £638.05 (with Gift Aid), which is a fantastic achievement.  Thank you to all those who brought cakes, money, helped on the day and also attended.   A special event for a special lady.
We are back to normal this week so I look forward to seeing you at our celebration assembly on Friday morning.

Class Highlights of the Week:

Maple Class: 
We are exploring 2D shapes this week in maths and will be going on shape hunts around school. We will also be learning to name, describe and sort them. We will be using our super imaginations in Literacy while discussing our new story 'Not a stick'.

Cedar Class: 
We have enjoyed learning about limericks this week! The children have been working really hard and creating their own and sharing to the rest of the class.


Damson Class: 
This week we have been investigating the lives of Victorian servants.  In music, we have been learning how to identify the metre of a piece of music and we have experimented with syncopation and off beat rhythms using percussion instruments.

Oak Class: 
We have been using BODMAS in Maths this week – everyone was able to understand the process very quickly. In Literacy we have been writing conditional sentences and writing in formal English. We have begun to understand how the Bombing Raid ‘Moonlight Sonata’ (Blitz) effected Coventry.
