Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 20th September 2023

Dear Parents,
It has been another busy week with the children continuing to enjoy their learning in school.


Within our assemblies we have been focusing on ‘Generosity’ and thinking about how we can help others and what it means to share.

The children have been busy in school with their learning and it has been fantastic to see them engaging with their theme learning within geography and history.


I hope to see some of who can join us on Friday to see the children receive their certificates and hear about all of the reasons they are ‘Truly Brilliant’. 


I hope you have an enjoyable rest of the week and good weekend when it finally arrives. 

Maple Class: 
This week in Maple Class we are thinking about real superheroes – the people who help us! We have been exploring the roles of lots of different important jobs, such as fire fighters, doctors, paramedics, vets, etc. In maths, we have been practising our ‘careful counting’ to make sure we count amounts of objects accurately and in RE we have been exploring the story of ‘Creation’.

Cedar Class:
This week Cedar have been researching different parts of a castle and have really enjoyed learning about why different features were needed. They have also been learning some great French, and frequently answer the register with ‘Bonjour!’. Finally, in English we have been reading The Flat Rabbit and using our imaginations to come up with creative explanations for the Rabbit’s flat appearance.

Damson Class:
This week Damson have been finalising our learning on Queen Victoria and beginning to discuss the industrial revolution. In maths we have been revising our mental strategies within addition and subtraction to use as a base for our learning this year. Lastly, our English lessons are progressing onto ‘Just So’ Stories by Rudyard Kipling where we will be further analysing his style. 


Oak Class:
This week we have been busy in maths with algebra, revision of triangle properties and BODMAS. In English we have been practicing retrieval skills from our class text Boy at the Back of the Class as well as empathising with the plight of refugee children.
In History we have researched Prime Ministers and their impact during World War II.
