Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 20th October 2021

Dear Parents,
It has been a busy week with the children eagerly trying to impress their teachers in preparation for our parent consultations at the start of the week.
Whilst it is sad that we haven’t been able to see you all in school it has been nice to hear the teachers talking about the positive meetings that have taken place.  
The parent consultations have given us a time as a school to reflect and talk through not only the children’s academic progress, but the way they continue to adjust to the changes that were imposed on them.


The recording of the Harvest assembly will be sent out on Friday for you to enjoy with your child. 


I am so pleased with everything that has been achieved this half term and hope that you enjoy a lovely half term break.


Maple Class:

This week we are exploring the story ‘The Little Red Hen’ to help us think about Harvest time. We are learning to retell the story and are thinking about the characters choices in the story. In maths, we are comparing numbers to identify which is the greater number/amount and the lower number/amount. 


Cedar Class: 
This week Cedar Class have retold the tale of the enormous turnip in our harvest assembly. This was a great way to show how difficult harvest can be for the farmers and others involved. Therefore, we were able to give thanks for all that we have. Well done Cedar!


Damson Class:
This week we have been performing our own poetry and prayers for our Harvest Festival assembly. We have also had great fun using instructional texts in Literacy, to learn card games. It took Mrs O and Mrs T right back to their childhoods!

Oak Class: 
In Oak Class we have been busy writing persuasive texts over the week – selling houses and writing persuasive letters. We have been revising subtraction and calculating multiplication questions using column method. We have filmed our Harvest Festival and we have helped our Buddies in the Laying of Stones Assembly.

