Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 19th July 2023

Dear Parents,
It has been a most eventful time, since I wrote to you last week!

Rehearsals have been continuing for Oak class and I can’t wait to see their performance at the tea party on Friday afternoon.

The children in reception have enjoyed their tea party today with the new reception that are joining in September.  It was a wonderful time for our year 6 to enjoy welcoming the new children and spending some quality time with their buddies before they leave.

We will be having our sports day tomorrow and are keeping our fingers crossed for dry weather.  We will be sending out a message to parents at 11:00 tomorrow letting you know whether we will be able to go ahead outside.

If the weather is as predicted the children will still have a fun afternoon of games and activities but this will need to be limited to a class at a time in the hall.  This will therefore mean we won’t be able to accommodate parents attending.

One other reminder is that from September we will be requesting that the children bring a fruit snack for morning break in our desire to encourage greater healthy eating in school.

 I look forward to celebrating with you on Friday when we will  ‘Reach for the Stars’ for the last time this academic year.


Maple Class: 
We are enjoying reflecting on our year in Maple Class and have been writing about our favourite memories and activities through the year. We have been practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s in maths. We have also created some beautiful paintings of different flowers in the style of Georgia O’Keeffe. 

Cedar Class
This week we have been focusing on coding in Cedar class. We have been practicing our computational thinking skills like, algorithms, debugging and designing our own drawing game using Scratch. It has been a lovely way to push our learning in the last few weeks of term.

Damson Class:
Before we begin with this week’s learning, we would like to say well done to all the children in Damson Class that attended the Warwickshire Sings Concert last Wednesday – their behaviour was exemplary!
This week in Maths we are revising equivalent fractions and adding/subtracting mentally. Whilst in Literacy, we are improving our descriptive writing and sentence structure. We are also learning about the emotional changes that can occur during puberty in PSHE. 


Oak Class:
Another busy week in Oak Class with rehearsals, sports day practice and PSHE ready for the move to secondary school. 
