Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 13th March 2024

Dear Parents,
It was so lovely to see so many of you at our Mother’s Day celebration on Friday. It was so special to see the children performing to you all and the pure love that was in the room as they talked about their mother figures who care and look after them. 


This week has continued to be a hive of activity, as I have got the chance to hear Damson class busily rehearsing for the Easter play. This is always a special time of the year and I know they will once again do us proud next Friday when they perform.


I do genuinely feel that the challenging work and enthusiasm that the children and staff put into everything they do - could easily run a small country!


It is hard to believe that at the end of next week we will only have one term left of the academic year!


I look forward to seeing you when we celebrate the children’s achievements on Friday when we once again ‘Reach for the Stars’.

Maple Class: 
This week we have been learning about the artist Alma Woodsey Thomas and have been exploring some of her creations. We have discussed how the paintings make us feel and we explored colour mixing with the primary colours to make secondary colours. In English we have started our unit on instructions and have been thinking about what we use them for. We will be writing our own sets of instructions soon!

Cedar Class:
Cedar have really enjoyed their Literacy this week, looking at the book Quest by Aaron Becker. They have used their creative and descriptive writing skills to put words to pictures. We have continued our Topic by researching The Romans, and what they did for Britain. Finally, Cedar have given their all again in their weekly swimming lesson, representing the school well and making themselves proud.

Damson Class:
This week Damson Class have been finishing some of their artist pieces relating to Georgia O’Keefe. We have used watercolours and pastels to create the same effect. In addition, we have been really working hard on our Easter play. The children’s costumes are due in on the 18th March.

Oak Class:
This week in Oak Class we have been completing a set of SATs practice papers in preparation for the real events in May. Everybody has coped well with the structure of the week; they are also now able to complete the papers in the required time. We are also completing our own graffiti art names – tags that were also completed for homework were fabulous.
