Burton Green

Church of England Academy

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Burton Green Academy Newsletter 12th July 2023

Dear Parents,
This week we will be once again celebrating the successes of the children within their annual reports and their KS2 SATS results.

I am so proud of what all of the children achieve each and every single day and having an opportunity to read their reports gives me that opportunity to hear about the highlights of their year.

As we approach the end of term it is the perfect time to reflect on things we wish to focus upon next year.  We will be returning to our focus on encouraging healthy eating with a request that the children have a ‘fruit/vegetable’ snack for morning break.  Children are still welcome to bring their treats in for their packed lunch, but we would like them to bring fruit or vegetables for their morning break snack.

Continuing on this healthy eating point, we would also appreciate it if children don’t promote (or bring into school) the ‘Prime’ drinks containers.

Whilst we are aware there are caffeine free versions, we are aware of a primary age child drinking a caffeinated version and then suffering from a cardiac incident.  Whilst we know children in our school have their drinks containers full of water, we would rather ‘Prime’ drinks were not promoted.

I would also like to say a huge well done to the year 6 children as their enterprise project raised an fantastic £118.59.  Amazing work from our budding entrepreneurs.

I look forward to once again ‘Reaching for the Stars’ during our assembly on Friday and seeing you at our Open evening and Sports Day next week! 

Maple Class: 
We are learning how to write postcards this week and are writing about lots of adventures! In maths, we are exploring our number bonds and 2-digit numbers. In Science, we are continuing our ‘Treasure Island’ topic and will be making rafts to try to escape the island! 

Cedar Class
This week year 2 and 3 have been recapping 
the formal written methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children have been super sensible and engaging with our RSE learning.

Damson Class:
This week in Damson we have been off our usual timetable and have been making (Ancient Egyptian Dioramas) and baking (Banana Muffins). We have also been covering our RSE topics and are attending our Warwickshire Sings Concert. 

Oak Class:
In Oak Class this week we have been completing our scrap books – of the residential trip, making healthy snacks which were delicious, rehearsing for our end of year show and exploring relationships and the differences between them.
